Shen Yun’s Performance ‘Leaves a Good Feeling of Peace,’ Says Minister

Shen Yun’s Performance ‘Leaves a Good Feeling of Peace,’ Says Minister
Massimo De Feo enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance at the George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Theater on March 21, 2025. Steve Ispas/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom

SALT LAKE CITY—Minister Massimo De Feo attended Shen Yun Performing Arts for the first time on March 21, at the George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Theater. As an Italian immigrant with a keen interest in exploring different cultures, the evening’s performance was a perfect fit for him.

“There’s always something we can learn. So, it was very, very nice. Very interesting,” Mr. De Feo said.

Shen Yun “leaves a good feeling of peace. I loved the connection with kindness and good values. [The show] focuses on good humans and divine values. That connection is very interesting and I loved it.”
The New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts was founded in 2006 by elite Chinese artists who had fled the persecution of the communist party.

For millennia, China’s civilization flourished under the shared belief that the divine will bless those who uphold traditional moral values. Tragically, within just a few decades of the communist party’s violent takeover, these beliefs were erased and replaced with atheism.

The mission of these artists is to return to the world’s stage—the glory and beauty of China’s 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture.

Mr. De Feo was happy to see this spiritual element incorporated into the performance. He will be sharing with his family that Shen Yun tells “a universal message through the performance and the culture.”

“I see many similarities and connections to all of us,” he said, reflecting on the artists’ depiction of the Creator descending from the heavens to help humanity in times of trouble. “It’s kind of a unifying universal message.”

Though Shen Yun is well-beloved around the world, due to the artists’ focus on reviving traditional culture and presenting the truth of events under communist rule in present-day China, it is currently banned by the ruling regime.

Mr. De Feo is deeply impressed by the artists’ courage to stand up for what is right and speak out about the human rights issue still ongoing in China.

“They were brave to do that, so that’s very nice. … I agree that when you feel you need to give a message, strong message, you’re not afraid to do that. So, that’s what I like.”

For its 2025 touring season, Shen Yun’s eight equally-sized companies will be performing in over 200 cities across five continents. Met with wide acclaim since its establishment in 2006, the company can be expected to return each year with a brand-new set of choreography and musical compositions.
Reporting by Steve Ispas and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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