Shen Yun’s Music Was Mellow and Yet Included Strength

Shen Yun’s Music Was Mellow and Yet Included Strength
Franz Widmer enjoyed the March 15, 2018 Shen Yun opening performance at the Winterthur, Theater Winterthur, in Switzerland. NTD Television

“I loved the entire show. The dances were very impressive and powerful. I was truly touched by what I have seen.”

“This strength and yet ease exhibited during the individual dance scenes was amazing. Yet, I was amused by what I have seen too. Humor was exhibited throughout the show.”

“It was not only fun, as there was an unbelievable depth exhibited throughout the show.”

“There were inner truths brought to the audience in a very pleasant way. It was truly easy to assimilate to what one experienced. One suddenly was exposed to a deepness and then again to a lightness—moving from one to the other.”

“The erhu was amazing. The music was heartfelt, very mellow and yet included strength. Also the message brought to the audience by the songs was well done.”

“The combination of Western and Eastern instruments brought the modern psyche to the audience. It was done exceptionally well.”

“Everything fits well with the Zeitgeist. One must sometimes break away from tradition. Tradition must adapt itself to the present and make the necessary connection. Only thus can one accept it and move to the next step.”


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