Shen Yun’s Music Sweeps Away Former Radio Announcer

Shen Yun’s Music Sweeps Away Former Radio Announcer
Keng-wei Kuo conducts the Shen Yun Orchestra at Lincoln Center on April 24. (Dai Bing/The Epoch Times)

NEW YORK—For Gunnel Larsdotter, Shen Yun Performing Arts’ show at the Lincoln Center’s David H. Koch Theater on Thursday night was a joyful experience she will never forget.

The former classical music and classical jazz radio announcer was enchanted.

“It is an absolutely wonderful show.”

“I was overwhelmed by the staging and the colors and the dancing,” she said.

New York-based Shen Yun was established in 2006 by a group of leading classical Chinese artists with the mission to revive the divinely inspired culture that was all but lost under the atheistic communist regime in China.

Ms. Larsdotter felt these values were reflected throughout the show.

“The whole message of truthfulness and compassion and tolerance—I think it permeated … all the numbers,” she said.

“I’m very very happy to have seen this and can’t wait to get back home and tell people all about it.”

Shen Yun’s music also stood out for the former radio announcer.

“The music just swept you away,” she said.

Alongside leading bel canto soloists, Shen Yun features a unique orchestra that combines classical Western and Chinese instruments for a fresh, harmonious sound.

“I loved the music. It is different. It is more sweeping and grand,” she said.

Ms. Larsdotter was particularly impressed with the manner in which the music was coordinated with the choreography and Shen Yun’s patented digital backdrop.

“That was superb,” she said.

Reporting by NTD Television and Madalina Hubert

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

Shen Yun’s New York Company will be performing at Lincoln Center through April 28.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.