Shen Yun’s Costume ‘Colors Were Amazing’ Says Graphic Designer

Shen Yun’s Costume ‘Colors Were Amazing’ Says Graphic Designer
Jane Ellis Tait (L), Louise Jackman (C), and Sara Gore attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Lowry Salford venue in Salford, UK, on Feb. 23, 2024. Mary Mann/The Epoch Times

SALFORD, UK—Shen Yun Performing Arts performed at the Lowry Salford on Feb. 23 to an enthralled audience. Jane Ellis Tait, a teacher, Louise Jackman, a graphic designer, and Sara Gore, a software product owner, liked what they saw.

Ms. Ellis Tait said, “We had a really wonderful time.”

She said Shen Yun’s performance was sold out in Birmingham so they bought tickets for the Salford venue.

She especially liked the music of the erhu, “I wanted to cry when the instrument was playing—I was.”

Ms. Gore said the music of the erhu “was spellbinding. It really made the hairs go up on my arm.”
The Shen Yun dancers had a calming effect on Ms. Gore. “The dancers were really peaceful, as well, I thought. I felt just really relaxed and chilled.”

Ms. Jackman said that, as a designer, the colors of the “Sleeves of Grace” dance inspired her. “The flower scene, we were saying, with the yellow sunflowers and the costumes, how the stems were green. The colors were amazing,” she said.

“The colors seemed to move as the dancers moved. They moved as well with the dancers, the green and the orange, the blue and the orange. You watch all the movements.”

Ms. Gore concurred that everything was beautiful to look at and admire. “You just don’t know which one, which dancer, to look at.”

Through classical Chinese dance and music, Shen Yun is sharing with the world the beauty of China’s authentic 5,000 years of history before communism. Since its founding in 2006, the company has received worldwide accolades for its mission to revive traditional Chinese culture.

Ms. Ellis Tait agreed that reviving stories and traditions of the culture “was brilliant. I love the traditional stories,” she said.

She said the graphics in the 3D animated backdrop helped to understand the story. “I loved how [the characters] popped in and out. I was not expecting that.”

With ancient China’s foundation in a spiritual culture, Ms. Ellis Take said it was a positive experience.

Ms. Jackman made the connection with traditional stories in British culture. “They reminded me of an old-fashioned British story where you had the comedy and the good and the evil,” she said.

“I really get that, as well,” said Ms. Jackman. “I really love all that tradition. I really loved it.”

Bothina Elessaway and Dave Higson attended Shen Yun Performing Arts a the Lowry Salford venue in Salford, UK, on Feb. 23, 2024. (Mary Mann/The Epoch Times)
Bothina Elessaway and Dave Higson attended Shen Yun Performing Arts a the Lowry Salford venue in Salford, UK, on Feb. 23, 2024. Mary Mann/The Epoch Times

Decorator Inspired by the Brilliant Colors

Painter, decorator, and business owner Bothina Elessaway, and Dave Higson, a joiner, enjoyed many aspects of the Shen Yun performance. “The female dancers were phenomenal,” Mr. Higson said.

“They glided across the floor. Brilliant.”

Ms. Elessaway said that she found out about Shen Yun online and said it was a wonderful experience. She liked “everything! [I will] definitely come again.”

With shows scheduled in over 200 cities and across five continents, the 2024 touring season is shaping up to be the artists’ busiest yet.
She was inspired by the ladies’ dresses. “You know, the lime and the pinks together and all that. Loved it.”

Although she has a different faith, Ms. Elessaway appreciates the finale, showing how the Creator came to save people. “I loved it. I’m a Muslim, but I still feel it,” she said.

Both had kind words for the performers. “Thank you very much. You were fantastic. Thank you,” Ms. Elessaway said.

Mr. Higson concurred. “Awesome. Awesome. Thank you.”

Reporting by Mary Mann and Yvonne Marcotte.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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