Shen Yun’s Colourful Costumes Captivate Theatregoer

Shen Yun’s Colourful Costumes Captivate Theatregoer

“[Shen Yun] is absolutely fabulous. It’s very colourful, the dance is just terrific and the dancers are wonderful. And the costumes are fabulous, particularly the ones with the [long] sleeves … it’s really good.”


“The way the colours are put together, particularly in the drum scene, … the colours on the costumes that the gentlemen were wearing were very well matched. [And] the colours on the ladies—the pinks and the greens … just absolutely terrific, a wonderful show.”


“The movement and the way they’re all together, they’re so accurate together, and they all dance perfectly well together and they dance very musically as well, just fabulous.”


“The costumes are something to behold and the way they dance – it’s something that you can take home with you afterwards ... I’d love to come again.”

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