DENVER, Colo.—Shen Yun Performing Arts is coming to the Great Plains city of Denver on April 3 through 6 at the Buell Theatre.
In the past few years, Denver audiences have applauded Shen Yun and added to the world’s appreciation of each new season.
Frank Douglas, retired senior vice president of a major insurance company, said: “I’ve enjoyed every single dance. [The dancers are] amazing. They’re very talented, very original, very colorful, great music. I enjoyed everything about it.”

Patient liaison Leanne McCarthy came with her husband Sean, a creative director. “I’ve been wanting to come for many years. It was on my bucket list,” Mrs. McCarthy said.
Brent Norwood, a builder, thought the last dance piece was really powerful. “The communists were coming in to destroy,” he said. ”[One of the communists] made a choice. He changed his mind—very powerful.”
Shen Yun makes use of 3D technology as part of its patented backdrop in the stories performed by the dancers.

“I was astonished,” said Mr. Parra. “It was well put together. I was a bit envious, just because I’m an artist myself.
“So seeing this work being done, it’s like, how are you doing this? I’m very interested to know how, but it really added an extra element to the whole performance and another state of realism to it, which just enhanced the whole thing.”
Mr. Parra said that he was able to gain some inspiration and that “it definitely makes me want to get more into animation.”

“The different uses of the wind instruments is exciting to me. And again, I love this view because I get to watch the [musicians] working with the violins and some of the other instruments.
“But again, it’s not overpowering. It’s not like the music is hitting you over the head with the bass. It’s definitely more clean, which is great,” he said.