Shen Yun Will ‘Lead People Towards These Three Words: Truth, Compassion, Tolerance’

Shen Yun Will ‘Lead People Towards These Three Words: Truth, Compassion, Tolerance’
Audrey Gotte and Monique Pegg felt uplifted watching Shen Yun Performing Arts at Portland's Keller Auditorium, on Jan. 19. (Lauren DePhillips/Epoch Times)

PORTLAND, Ore.—For Audrey Gotte, a caterer, and Monique Pegg, a retired airline worker, watching the Shen Yun performance at Portland’s Keller Auditorium on Jan. 19 was a very uplifting and inspirational experience.

“It’s so moving, it really touched my heart. It was very beautiful,” said Ms. Gotte with emotion.

Ms. Pegg, who volunteers at the Portland International Airport, echoed her daughter’s feelings: “I couldn’t keep my eyes from tearing, it was exquisite.”

She was stunned by “this beauty, this exquisite grace, and artistic beauty.”

“It’s just incredible, absolutely incredible,” added Ms. Pegg.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts Company was established in 2006 by a group of leading classical Chinese artists with the mission to revive the divinely inspired 5,000-year-old culture of China that was almost ruined by the atheistic communist regime.

Both ladies were overwhelmed by the grandiosity of Shen Yun’s mission.

“It really makes me want to look more into … how we can do something, how we can be part of it,” said Ms. Gotte.

Ms. Pegg also felt an urgency “to bring out this thing that’s going on in China, and to save China—and save the world, basically.”

“From seeing what they have had to go through and the beauty of the original message of trying to show that, it’s all about love, and truth, and hopefulness,” said Ms. Gotte, describing the deep impression left on her by Shen Yun’s presentation and the message conveyed.

Both ladies felt that “the beauty of the original message” permeated throughout the performance.

“It makes us all feel like one,” Ms. Gotte said. “I mean, if you’re really paying attention and you really get the message, you can sense that it’s about everything—all of us, we can all be part of that.”

“It’s right there for us to really see, and to feel, and be part of,” continued Ms. Pegg, realizing the “need to bring out the awareness; people have to be more informed.”

“I just wish and hope that at least everybody comes to see the show, tries to see what the message is,” concluded Ms. Gotte. “Even if not, just see the visual beauty and hopefully that wonderment will spark something inside, lead people towards these three words: Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance.”

Reporting by Lauren Morency DePhillips and Nataly Teplitsky.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.