Shen Yun ‘Was Spectacular‘ ’I’ll Come Back,’ Says Texas Theatergoer

Shen Yun ‘Was Spectacular‘ ’I’ll Come Back,’ Says Texas Theatergoer
Rubin Hinojosa Jr. and Vicky Chrysler enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance at the McAllen Performing Arts Center on March 1, 2025. Sonia Wu/The Epoch Times

McALLEN, Texas—Company manager Ruben Hinojosa Jr. and Vicky Chrysler, an investor, found Shen Yun Performing Arts to be incredibly refreshing after attending the company’s opening performance at the McAllen Performing Arts Center on March 1.

“It’s very different from American culture, and I think it’s very refreshing. … It was spectacular. I’ll come back,” Mr. Hinojosa said. “Very happy we came.”

“It was really, really nice. It’s a very nice change for the area here,” Ms. Chrysler added.

For Mr. Hinojosa, the performance was a very educational experience. He learned a lot about traditional culture as well as the different regions and ethnic groups of China.

“Gymnastics arose from classical Chinese dance. I didn’t realize that—which is very interesting,” he expressed. The performance was “inspiring because it gave us culture and we can appreciate Chinese culture a lot more after having seen it.”
Based in New York, Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company, dedicated to reviving China’s traditional culture and values lost during decades of communist rule. Its mission is to share with the world the beauty of China before communism.

The company’s artists are masters of classical Chinese dance, an ancient and highly expressive art form dating back thousands of years.

Unlike the modern, military-influenced styles often seen in China today, Shen Yun preserves and performs this tradition in its most authentic form, as it was originally passed down through generations.

Mr. Hinojosa thought Shen Yun’s story-based dances were excellent and greatly appreciated the bilingual hosts who provided a brief introduction to each piece before the curtain rose.

For someone who is not familiar with Chinese culture, “it very much helps when they come out and say, ‘Hey, this is what’s going to happen,’ and then you see the story unfold in front of your eyes,” he said.

He also loved the ‘water-sleeve’ dance where the dancers’ long sleeves billowed and flowed like the gentle movement of water on stage.

“I thought that was amazing. The colors, the way they would throw them out and then bring them in—those were very interesting.”

To meet growing public demand, Shen Yun has expanded from one to eight equally sized companies that tour the world simultaneously. Each year, the artists present an entirely new program, offering a fresh and exciting experience for both returning and first-time audience members.

Reporting by Sonia Wu and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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