Shen Yun ‘Was An Expression Of God’s Glory’ Says Pastor in Tulsa

Shen Yun ‘Was An Expression Of God’s Glory’ Says Pastor in Tulsa
Eric and Lauren Bryan attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Chapman Music Hall in Tulsa, in Okla., on April 12, 2022. Nancy Ma/The Epoch Times
TULSA, Okla.—Pastor Eric Bryan and teacher Lauren Bryan were amazed by the beauty and creativity of Shen Yun Performing Arts after attending a performance at the Chapman Music Hall in Tulsa on April 12.
“I think the performance was the most beautiful I’ve ever seen,” said Mr. Bryan. “If you want an experience of great expression and joy and artistic beauty, then Shen Yun is an amazing experience.”
Mrs. Bryan was also stunned by the beauty of Shen Yun.

“The costumes were beyond amazing,” said Mrs. Bryan. “Every dance was completely different.”

Based in New York, Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company. Along with folk dances and solo performances, the production depicts story-based pieces that tell tales from ancient times to the modern-day.

Mr. Bryan is the lead pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Tulsa.

“We worship God… He is the one who gives us all this creative expression,” he said. “What we saw there was an expression of God’s glory.”

China’s authentic culture is inseparable from its spiritual heritage and Shen Yun presents a culture that draws inspiration from ancient Chinese Buddhist and Daoist philosophies. As such, Shen Yun often includes spiritually uplifting messages, according to the company’s website.

“I felt great energy,” Mr. Bryan emphasized upon leaving the performance, “I felt great energy,” he repeated.

The couple were especially impressed and enchanted by the erhu, China’s traditional 2-string violin.

“It sounded like a beautiful Viola, but with Chinese influence, and with just two strings, it amazed us that she was so good,” said Mr. Bryan.

Reporting by Nancy Ma.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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