Shen Yun ‘Very Topical,’ Says Florence Democratic Group Leader

Shen Yun ‘Very Topical,’ Says Florence Democratic Group Leader
Nicola Armentano (R) and Simona Gardelli enjoyed Shen Yun at Teatro Verdi the evening of April 10, 2023. Mary Mann/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom
FLORENCE, Italy—Nicola Armentano, leader of the Democratic Party Council Group in Florence, was inspired by the spirit he saw in Shen Yun Performing Arts.

“I believe that what Shen Yun asks to bring today is very topical,” said Mr. Armentano, who attended the performance with Simona Gardelli at Teatro Verdi the evening of April 10. “Very fascinating.”

“Very beautiful, I like the costumes, especially the costumes, the music,” said Ms. Gardelli. “Very beautiful, very fascinating.”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, and takes as its mission to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization—a China “before communism.”

Before communism, “it was definitely better,” Mr. Armentano said.

“[It] brings to mind a millenary history that we probably need to know,” Mr. Armentano said.

“I think some [of these stories] have a lot of truth about what is still happening in China,” he said. The China before communism that he saw was a moral one, and worth learning from, he added.

“I believe morality is a great value not only to be told today but to be told in the future ... altruism, the sense of community, the sense of helping yourself when you find yourself in difficulty.”

Also in the audience was Camilla Baccherini, an artist, who felt the colors, aesthetics she saw in Shen Yun were a new world—different from the Western art with which she was familiar, but beautiful all the same.

“Indeed, it gives the impression of a divine culture,” said Ms. Baccherini. “Very, very beautiful.”

Reporting by Mary Mann.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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