Shen Yun Uplifts the Human Spirit, Says Doctor

Shen Yun Uplifts the Human Spirit, Says Doctor
Dr. Ou Yen-chuan and his wife at Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Taoyuan Art Center, in Taiwan, on March 31, 2024. (Song Bilong/The Epoch Times)

TAOYUAN, Taiwan—Shen Yun Performing Arts took to the stage at the Taoyuan Arts Center from March 29 to March 31, with all four shows sold out in advance and a waitlist queued on the day of the performances in hopes of witnessing what some called “the world’s number one show.”

Before the performances began, Taoyuan Mayor Chang San-cheng delivered a congratulatory message, wishing Shen Yun a successful performance. Audiences reported it did, with one calling it “the pinnacle of artistic excellence.”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company. Formed in 2006 by artists from around the world wishing to revive traditional culture, the music and dance performance has become a global phenomenon.
With a mission to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, Shen Yun shows “China before communism.”

Uplifts the Human Spirit

On the afternoon of March 31, Dr. Ou Yen-chuan, director of the Research and Innovation Center at Tong Hospital, and his wife attended the fourth and last Shen Yun performance at the Taoyuan Arts Center.
He said Shen Yun’s performance integrated technology and tradition, representing an “extremely exquisite expression” within the realm of art. “It’s symbolic of the human spirit, Shen Yun uplifts us in a very important way.”
“My wife and I have wanted to see Shen Yun for a long time,” Dr. Ou said. “This time, finally seeing Shen Yun, we feel it is very meaningful because the performance combines truth, goodness, beauty, and covers a wide range of topics, incorporating the traditional essence and stories of China’s 5,000 years, as well as contemporary significance and issues for deep reflection. Such a diverse performance is fantastic.”

It was a beneficial performance, the doctor said.

“Shen Yun’s artistic performance not only inspires our body and mind but also leads to spiritual growth,” Dr. Ou said.

Dr. Ou described a dance story that left a particularly deep impression. Wang Bauchuan, a historical figure, had married Xue Rengui for love, and circumstances beyond the newlywed couple’s control led to their separation for 18 years.

Dr. Ou said that witnessing her “enduring through the seasons, year after year, witnessing her steadfastness and her endurance and dedication to her family” was so memorable.

“Xue Rengui, on the other hand, fought for the country outside, and ultimately reunited with his family,” he explained. The resolution to the story and the couple’s reunion gave him “deeper inspiration, knowing that in modern society, we still need to value family ethics and understand that family education is the foundation of all education.”

He noted the collaboration between the traditional values and the innovative technology employed in Shen Yun’s dynamic backdrop, a patented stagecraft technology.

“The use of technology is very good, the whole connection is seamless, the movements of the dancers are very smooth, and the background transitions are well done. This requires very rigorous testing,” he said. “I think Shen Yun’s choreography is done with great care. Shen Yun’s performance has a sense of unity ... which is really commendable.”

Dr. Ou appreciated that Shen Yun retains very important core values.
“Nowadays, society, facing these external stimuli of technology, tends to prioritize material civilization over spiritual civilization. However, in Shen Yun performance, there is science, there is progress, but these are just used as auxiliary tools. Amazing!”

‘Extremely Exquisite’

On the evening of March 29, Hsinchu City Councilor Liu Kang-yen attended the first performance at the Taoyuan Arts Center.
It was his first time witnessing Shen Yun, and he remarked, “Shen Yun truly presents an extremely exquisite, of very high standard performance.”
Hsinchu City Councilor Liu Kangyan at Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Taoyuan Arts Center on the evening of March 29, 2024. ((Song Bilong/The Epoch Times)
Hsinchu City Councilor Liu Kangyan at Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Taoyuan Arts Center on the evening of March 29, 2024. ((Song Bilong/The Epoch Times)

He said the expressions, movements, and dance postures of each Shen Yun performer reflected years of dedication.

“Many of the story dances leave a deep impression, coupled with the ingenious integration of Eastern and Western musical instruments,” Mr. Liu said. He added that he was deeply moved by a number of the vignettes, as some were story-based dances that touched on universal themes and even current events.
One depicted the persecution of Falun Gongpractitioners in China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), but ultimately told a story of hope, he explained. Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual meditation practice that teaches truth, compassion, and forbearance.

Yet the peaceful practice has been persecuted by the communist regime since 1999, including forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience, and the persecution continues today.

Mr. Liu said this was a reminder of what the CCP is, and the importance of freedom and human rights. He described what he saw in one of the story dances.

“I think there was a scene depicting the end of the world, but seeing many people striving selflessly for truth and faith, we must, through the demonstration of ’truth, compassion, forbearance' in our lives, remind those in power to respect faith, freedom, and human rights, which are universal values,” he said.

After seeing the Shen Yun performance, Liu Kang-yen felt uplifted.

“I feel that being kind to others is very important, especially in public service roles as representatives of the people,” he said. “The main purpose is to solve the problems of the people. When dealing with matters, there is no need to bring emotions or prejudices. Instead, one should approach with kindness, goodwill, and maintain the value of goodness to communicate with all parties and find harmonious ways to resolve issues.”

“In all things, act according to the standards of ’truth, compassion, forbearance,' view everything with a kind heart and patience, and things will always move in a positive direction. By using good intentions to bring everyone together, this world will be more peaceful and harmonious,” he said.

Once in a Lifetime

On the evening of March 30, Taoyuan City Councilor Zhu Zhenyao attended the third Shen Yun performance at the Taoyuan Arts Center.

“I felt very impressed and deeply moved,” she described the feeling that surged within her when the curtains rose at the beginning of the show. “Even before the dancers started their movements, I felt that seeing Shen Yun was very worthwhile.”

Taoyuan City Councilor Zhu Zhenyao at the third performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Taoyuan Arts Center on the evening of March 30, 2024. (Lin Shijie/The Epoch Times)
Taoyuan City Councilor Zhu Zhenyao at the third performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Taoyuan Arts Center on the evening of March 30, 2024. (Lin Shijie/The Epoch Times)
Ms. Zhu said she once studied dance herself, and knew Shen Yun artists’ impeccable performance was no small feat. She pointed out the seamless synchronicity, effortless collaboration, and split-second turns of events.

“Truly, it’s a minute on stage, ten years off stage,” she said. “Shen Yun has a unique quality, where all the performers are of high caliber, and everyone’s standards are quite similar, which is truly rare.”

Ms. Zhu hoped the values that had endured 5,000 years, revived by Shen Yun, would reach young people today. Shen Yun put her in a reflective mood, and she hoped it would similarly benefit many others.

“The positive traditional essence brought by Shen Yun,” was uplifting, she explained. She worried many children today watch inappropriate and too much content online and thought it would be a good idea for parents to share Shen Yun with their children.

“Shen Yun will give them a deeper and different experience,” she said.

She added, “You must bring your children to see Shen Yun. At least once in their lifetime.”

Reporting by Song Bilong and Lin Shijie.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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