Shen Yun ‘Truly Opens the Mind and Heart’ Says Florence Audience Members

Shen Yun ‘Truly Opens the Mind and Heart’ Says Florence Audience Members
Rossi Mirco and Daniela Bolgiachi enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in Florence, Italy, on Dec. 30, 2024. The Epoch Times

FLORENCE—Daniela Bolgiachi, the owner of a spa in the coastal La Spezia, felt truly relaxed seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts on Dec. 30 at the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.

“It’s truly exciting, very moving, beautiful to follow, relaxing, and perfect in every way. It’s wonderful,” said Ms. Bolgiachi, who attended the performance with entrepreneur Rossi Mirco.

“The colors, the perfection of the dance, the performers, their expressions—everything is so harmonious. The orchestra completes it all, touching the heart and stirring its vibrations.”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, with a mission to revive and share with the world China before communism.
For 5,000 years, Chinese culture was believed to be divinely inspired, and Ms. Bolgiachi said Shen Yun conveyed that in a way that moved her.

“They interpreted it exceptionally well,” she said. “It was touching.”

But that it was a culture that needed to be revived was a sad matter, she added.

“I think it’s very interesting and something they should absolutely continue. It’s a pity they can’t perform in their own country, but we’re lucky to be able to enjoy all of this,” Ms. Bolgiachi said.

She was referring to the fact that Shen Yun cannot be seen in China today. The Chinese communist regime has worked since it took power in 1949 to destroy China’s link to its past and traditional culture.

Ms. Bolgiachi also shared encouragement and her admiration for the Shen Yun artists.

“Keep going as you are, and I hope many more young people can pursue this discipline because it’s so comprehensive,” she said. “In my opinion, having such discipline can bring much more serenity to the world.”

She added it was a performance she recommended everyone see for themselves.

“It’s something that truly opens the mind and heart. It brings together disciplines from around the world. Dance and theater always unite, and they’re profoundly meaningful,” she said.

Mr. Mirco said the performance was almost unreal in its perfection.

First, the colors were impactful. Then the harmony between the elements and each dancer was in perfect sync, he said.

“It’s beneficial,” he said. “It’s relaxing and broadens the mind.”

“There’s a balance between the music, movements, and interpretations, making it impossible to get bored. You stay engaged throughout.”

To the artists, there was nothing more that could be said, Mr. Mirco said.

“Because they’re perfect. I wouldn’t presume to say anything to them—they’re already perfection,” he said.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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