ST. LOUIS, Mo.—As a dancer and a business owner who introduces young children to dance, Molly Amos was greatly inspired to see the expert classical Chinese dancers of Shen Yun Performing Arts on stage.
Based in New York, Shen Yun is the top classical Chinese dance company in the world.
“Oh, it’s top-notch, phenomenal,” said Mrs. Amos, who was watching even the angle and way each foot was pointed. “They’re perfectly in sync. It is amazing, amazing, artistic.”
“I think it’s beautiful. It’s great,” said Mr. Amos, adding that he enjoyed the stories. Mrs. Amos added that the stories were inspiring and varied, from comedic episodes that were “darling” and charming, to more epic pieces that included “heart-wrenching” scenes.
“And follow-through,” she added, which she believes is a lesson many young people would benefit from. “This is proof that these young people follow through in their dreams and continue on.”
“Keep trying, always keep going for your dreams, don’t give up because it is attainable. It takes hard work and practice but it fills something in your soul,” she said.