Shen Yun: ‘This Is the Beauty and the Essence of China,’ Says Executive

Shen Yun: ‘This Is the Beauty and the Essence of China,’ Says Executive
Shen Yun Performing Arts curtain call at Portland's Merrill Auditorium, on Feb. 26, 2023. NTD
Epoch Newsroom

PORTLAND, Maine—Energy executive Richard Ladroga and his guest, Sylvia Cheever, enjoyed a matinee of Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Merrill Auditorium on Feb. 26.

Mr. Ladroga had visited China several times and he said the performance is “what I love about Asia. It’s the pursuit of excellence, and very classy, and very well done. I love this.”

He said he likes the people very much, but does not favor communism. “It crushed good people.”

Based in New York, Shen Yun was founded in 2006 by leading Chinese artists and quickly became the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company. Shen Yun’s mission is to revive traditional Chinese culture.

“Here you get to see people being alive and not restricted and being beautiful. To me, this is the beauty and the essence of China, what we are seeing here in Shen Yun. I love it.”

Richard Ladroga and Sylvia Cheever enjoyed a matinee of Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine, on Feb. 26.
Richard Ladroga and Sylvia Cheever enjoyed a matinee of Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine, on Feb. 26.
Ms. Cheever gave her impression of Shen Yun:
“I think it’s a wonderful expression of the culture, and that the ancient beliefs and expertise that was gone but luckily held within this show and this group. We are able to experience something that is centuries-old that is amazing, so I am so pleased to see such authenticity and such beautiful arrangements.”
Mr. Ladroga enjoyed several pieces during the performance.
“The last one about the Himalayas was wonderful and the one with the Monkey King. Throughout the whole performance the live orchestra is incredible,” he said, referring to Shen Yun’s story-based dance pieces, an the ethnic and folk dances from China’s 50-some ethnic minority groups that are frequently showcased in Shen Yun’s programming.

He said he loves classical music and deep feelings emerged. He felt “very emotional. You can tell that there is a lot of dynamics in the presentation. It rises it falls; it matches the performance. You can tell that all the dancers and the musicians are very, very well trained and practiced. Very good.”

Ms. Cheever had final words for the performers: “Thank you for all your arduous work, and it’s displayed beautifully.

‘It’s Very Important to Show This Culture’

Eli Ingendahl, a small family farmer located on Hiltons Lane in Wells Maine, was happy that Shen Yun shared Chinese culture.

“I think it’s really good, to share the culture and have people see what’s really going on that the media doesn’t show.”

Small family farmer Eli Ingendahl attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine, on Feb. 26, 2023. (De Ping/The Epoch Times)
Small family farmer Eli Ingendahl attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine, on Feb. 26, 2023. De Ping/The Epoch Times

As this was his first time seeing Shen Yun, Mr. Ingendahl was happy to see another culture for himself. “I really like experiencing different cultures and seeing the real culture, and not just what people show you on TV. I want to see it first-hand.”

He found the stories presented on stage fascinating.

“[There are] so many wonderful stories’ There is a broad mixture of everything that is going on,“ he said. ”Every piece is a new story.”

As for the suppression of the Chinese people by the Chinese Communist Party, Mr. Ingendahl said, “I think it’s very sad.”

“I think the Chinese people are being torn down and being told that they can’t do things, when people should be able to do what they want,” he said.

“You should be able to express yourself in any type of artwork or dance. You know it’s all very important to the human soul.”

“The most I can do is keep supporting shows like this.”

“I think storytelling of actual events need to be told, otherwise history repeats itself. If you don’t learn from history, bad things happen. So I think it’s very important to show this culture. People need to know.”

Mr. Ingendahl was inspired and would take home from the performance with him “knowledge. Truth. And the real views of the Chinese people, and the history of it all.”

Reporting by Erin Xia, De Ping and Yvonne Marcotte.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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