Shen Yun Theatregoers Grateful for Preservation of History

Shen Yun Theatregoers Grateful for Preservation of History
René and Judy Aerdts enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Eisemann Center on Jan. 6, 2019 in Richardson, Texas. Amy Hu/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom

RICHARDSON, Texas–Shen Yun Performing Arts brought 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture to the Eisemann Center in Richardson, Texas on the afternoon of Jan. 6.

Among the delighted theatergoers were René and Judy Aerdts.

Both of the Aerdts have a computer-oriented background, with Mr. Aerdts being a computer consultant with Mrs. Aerdtz  a retired computer software programmer. Mr. Aerdts also speaks at industry events and holds several U.S. patents.

The duo was intrigued by the digital backdrop that the performers interacted with throughout the performance.

Mrs. Aerdtz said, “I think it’s fascinating how the music and the dancers go with the screen. It’s just phenomenal, it’s very beautiful.”

Shen Yun Performing Arts’s website provides information about the patented digital backdrop.“With state-of-the-art graphics technology, Shen Yun’s digital-backdrop team creates vividly animated settings, extending the stage and transporting the audience to a world where heaven and earth are one.”

Mr. Aerdtz appreciated the extension of a faraway lands and dynasties into theater.

“I think it’s impressive, the way everything interacts,” he said. “The different scenes that are being set up, the way the technology interacts with the physical’s really amazing.”

The two also said the stories featured throughout the performance were great.

Through classical Chinese dance, orchestral accompaniment, and solo musical performances, New York-based Shen Yun draws from a rich 5,000-year history to present its traditional Chinese culture and civilization on stage. The program tells stories, brings to life the rich and varied dynasties, and shows the many ethnicities from across China.

Mrs. Aerdtz said she felt the universality of the divine values of the traditional China she saw.

“I’ve been taught it’s all the same as Earth and the Divine being, and everything put together, and we’re all just one big happy family. And [Shen Yun] displayed that beautifully on the screen,” she said.

‘How wonderful it is for us to be able to share this’

Juanita Pavlick, a Wichita County Judge was also in attendance. 

She applauded Shen Yun’s work to protect and revive traditional Chinese culture and share its values with the world.
This is something that I did not know, that there was this whole culture being destroyed,” she said.
And then to think how wonderful it is for us to be able to share this. It would be a shame for it to be destroyed.”

‘More people should see it’

Pharmacy owners Michael and Donna Barsky were also at the performance.
Pharmacy owners Michael and Donna Barsky enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Eisemann Center on Jan. 6, 2019 in Richardson, Texas. (Amy Hu/The Epoch Times)
Pharmacy owners Michael and Donna Barsky enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Eisemann Center on Jan. 6, 2019 in Richardson, Texas. Amy Hu/The Epoch Times

Mr. Barsky interpreted a universal idea and value from Shen Yun.

“Be a good person. That’s the issue. And even through hard times, if you have faith, the good would win,” said Mr. Barsky. 

Mrs. Barsky said that she appreciated that Shen Yun is preserving tradition.

“If we lose our tradition, we lose our history. So that’s what I like about this, she said. ”And yes, more people should see it.”

With reporting by Amy Hu and Carrie Gilkison.
The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time and has covered audience reactions since the company’s inception in 2006.
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