FRESNO, Calif.—Many audience members are often surprised to see what true Chinese culture is after a Shen Yun performance.
“It was good. I saw the dances, and my first thought was ‘I need to study more Chinese culture,” said Jeremi Reimer, a high school senior who came to see Shen Yun Performing Arts with his father, Viktor Reimer, a manager, and his sister, Sophia.
“I love history, so watching this—it was the coolest thing ever,” Jeremi added.
Sophia said, “I love it a lot. And what really shocked me was how they could memorize all those dance moves.”
Each year, Shen Yun puts on an all-new production, which includes the choreography, music, costumes, and backdrops.
“It’s good. I like how it has the modern orchestra, and under it, you get the traditional Chinese instruments,” he said.
“It was really unique the way the characters would like pop behind this little staircase and then their characters would be on the [screen]. It must have taken so long to make that and program that,” he said.