Shen Yun Soon Arriving in Berlin to Great Anticipation

Shen Yun Soon Arriving in Berlin to Great Anticipation
Shen Yun Performing Arts Global Company's curtain call at Berlin's Theater am Potsdamer Platz, on Jan. 7, 2023. Xie Mu/NTD

BERLIN—Audience members are anticipating Shen Yun Performing Arts arriving in Germany’s capital from Jan. 28 through Feb. 3 at the Theater am Potsdamer Platz, and from March 24 through March 28 at the Guest Performance at Deutsche Oper Berlin.

In past years, theatergoers have greatly enjoyed Shen Yun’s artistry, production values, and spiritual message.

Guido Evers watches Shen Yun in Berlin, Germany, on April 20, 2024. (NTD)
Guido Evers watches Shen Yun in Berlin, Germany, on April 20, 2024. NTD

“Positively surprised, I think it’s great how the dancers move and the ease with which the acrobatic jumps are performed. I’m surprised by the stage design, I’ve never seen it like that before, it’s actually great,” said Guido Evers, the managing director at GVL, an association of performers and producers.

Last year’s audience loved how technology synchronizes with the dances and music, as well as Shen Yun’s glorious mission.

Gisbert Komlossy, the CEO and founder of Intan Group, said that he “found the impact, the music, the color, the commitment of the people, how they danced and how they create so much power, I thought that was great. I have to say I was impressed.”

Christian Fitzner and Julia Graeber at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Theater am Potsdamer Platz in Berlin on April 21, 2024. (Anran /The Epoch Times)
Christian Fitzner and Julia Graeber at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at Theater am Potsdamer Platz in Berlin on April 21, 2024. Anran /The Epoch Times

“The precision of the coordination between the stage, the projection technology, the choreography, and the music was incredible,” said orchestra conductor Christian Fitzner.

With his background in music, Mr. Fitzner especially liked Shen Yun’s live orchestra that accompanied the performance on stage.

“At first, I didn’t realize it was playing live. I thought the music was a recording because it’s very difficult to find the exact tempo for the dancers. They play very, very precisely,” said Mr. Fitzner.

Betuel Green, a business owner, said, “I specifically love the instrumental part and the violins and the orchestra. I know they’re down there [in the orchestra pit], but it’s fine because we hear them, and the live music changes the whole aspect of the show.”

Piotr Stola, a programmer and manager of several companies, was amazed at the technology displayed on the stage. The patented 3D animated backdrop amazed many during the performance.

“The screen effects are very detailed and carefully planned and completely in sync with the dancers. It’s really amazing, and it worked very well. It was really wonderful, a great performance.

“It was very impressive and amazing! The CGI effects, coupled with the traditional dance, were fantastic. This is really something new. I’ve never seen anything like it before. I think it was a spectacle, especially for young people,” he said.

Traditional Values

Shen Yun aims to revive 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture and values, a culture that was almost destroyed by the Chinese Communist Party since it took control of the country in 1949. Theatergoers applauded Shen Yun’s efforts and took note of a deeper message.

“We have a choice,” said Jasmin Hartel, a physiotherapist. “We face a very important choice to decide which side to take. What struck me so much was that this was reflected here. That’s exactly the message of the show, that’s what I believe.”

Business owner Peter Hilmer said he appreciated the virtues Shen Yun displayed in the performance and said they were of great significance. “This is very important for today. This is particularly important at this time.”

Marta Caparros Rodriguez watches Shen Yun in Berlin, Germany, on April 18, 2024. (NTD)
Marta Caparros Rodriguez watches Shen Yun in Berlin, Germany, on April 18, 2024. NTD

Marta Caparros Rodriguez, a scientist at the Max Planck Institute, said, “I also really liked the mention of people’s inner values, which are sometimes forgotten and neglected in today’s world.

“I think this is very important. The connection between our existence and a spiritual existence, how we belong to something bigger, and are all a part of it. I also felt that message in the dance.”

Gisbert Komlossy, founder and CEO of the Intan Group, said, “I think it is also important to transfer certain values ​​from the past into the present. And this gives you a different world, perhaps also a different spiritual world. And you can also imagine how people used to live there.”

Laurens Muigg, spokesperson for the Youth Council of Göttingen, said Shen Yun is bringing the true culture of China to the world.

“I would just advise everyone to come here, take a look, just experience what the real China is. Because what the CCP is trying to make us believe is not the real China. The real China is what is demonstrated here,” he said.

For both of Berlin’s venues as well as nearby cities, including Leipzig and Prague, theatergoers can book tickets by visiting
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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