“I brought my daughter. I had no idea what to expect and I haven’t been to anything close to this in my life. So it’s just been a great daddy-daughter date night. She has a lot of questions. She’s 10, so she’s trying to understand some of it. But it’s been very beautiful,” said Chris Brown, a business owner.
“She’s got some questions she’s trying to ask. You know, I was trying to explain to her what communism is and you know what the Chinese people have been through and what it used to be like,” said Mr. Brown.
“Sometimes we take for granted the country that we live in over here and it really brings it back down to [the fact that] we really got it good. There’s a lot of other people all over the world that don’t. There’s been a couple of emotional moments, just making you really think,” shared Mr. Brown.
“I think it means more to just be a good person. I think we'll get to where we need to be just by taking care of each other and being good on earth,” he said.
“I mean, it just flowed, the dancing and the music kind of flows together. It’s pretty awesome,” said Mr. Brown.
“So very talented. I mean the musicians to the artists, dancers, everybody’s been so talented. It’s been awesome,” he added.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.