WASHINGTON, D.C.—From the unique stagecraft to the underlying themes, Connie Morella and Bob Simi were amazed by Shen Yun Performing Arts and shared what made the performance so moving at the Kennedy Center on March 1.
“It should have an Academy Award,” said Ms. Morella, a diplomat who has served as an ambassador and member of Congress.
Walking out of the auditorium, you just feel a sense of “togetherness,” she added, because of how healing and uplifting the performance is.
“You come out, you just feel so good about it,” she said.
“It came together so beautifully,” Ms. Morella said. “Extraordinarily amazing.”
“It touched every facet of the arts. I mean, whether you’re talking about the appointments, the music, the scenery, the sets, everything about it all came together. It was magical and artistic and it makes me want to exercise,” Ms. Morella said.
Mr. Simi, a contractor, said he felt the same way about the performance as his good friend.
Unique to Shen Yun is a digital backdrop method that allows performers to seemingly move from stage to screen, from the earth to the heavens in the blink of an eye.
“People flying up in the air and coming down out of the screen,” Mr. Simi described.
“It’s incredible,” Ms. Morella agreed. “It’s absolutely incredible to watch—it comes right onto from the backdrop it comes all the way down to the stage. It’s amazing.”