Shen Yun Shares Powerful Values About ‘Love, Compassion, and Care,’ Says Company Owner

Shen Yun Shares Powerful Values About ‘Love, Compassion, and Care,’ Says Company Owner
Linsey McLean enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance at the SEC Armadillo, in Glasgow, on Feb. 28, 2025. NTD

GLASGOW, UK—Interior designer and company owner Linsey McLean attended Shen Yun Performing Arts’ matinee at the SEC Armadillo on Feb. 28.

She absolutely loved the experience and was very impressed by the female dancers’ beauty and talent. “It’s like looking at all these amazing, gorgeous little princesses,” she said.

The performance was “outstanding! There’s so much color and texture, and things going on. It was just breathtaking really—it was a great experience to watch. ... The different cultures and the costumes and the choreography is out of this world.”

Reflecting on the multi-faceted program—which featured not only classical Chinese dance but also ethnic, folk, and story-based performances, along with solo musical pieces—Ms. McLean said, Shen Yun artists told “an amazing story.”

There were “so many different parts to it. It’s not just one continuous story throughout, it’s all different parts about different cultures—the Yin and Yang, and the spiritual side’s amazing.”

Fascinated by the divine aspect of traditional Chinese culture, Ms. McLean purchased a book from the Shen Yun Shop in the theater lobby about Falun Dafa—an ancient Chinese meditation practice that was introduced in the performance. She is “really looking forward to reading it.”

“I’m dying to get into this book and read the spiritual side of it. … I’m intrigued to find out about the Chinese meditation now, from the show. So, thanks very much for that.”

As one of the oldest civilizations in the world, China’s 5,000 years of history is filled with breathtaking legends and rich traditions. However, within just a few decades of the Chinese communists’ rise to power, this magnificent culture was destroyed.

The spread of atheism quickly eradicated Chinese people’s belief in the divine. The cherished virtues and values learned from the teachings of Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism disappeared overnight.

Today, the New York-based Shen Yun is working to revive this lost civilization and bring it back to the world through dance and music, the beauty of pre-communist China.

Ms. McLean loved that the artists were bringing back traditional values. She thought “It’s really gorgeous to see that the ancient civilization is being kept alive.”

“It’s divine, it’s love, it’s caring, it’s energy, it’s power. It’s what us human beings should be all about—love and compassion and care,” she said.

“A lot of the values are lost in modern-day life, and I think it’s important to be reminded of the things that are actually important. I think that came across really powerfully throughout the presentation.”

Last but not least, she wishes to commend the Shen Yun artists for their dedication.

“You guys are absolutely awesome,” she said. “You’re so fit and healthy, and what an amazing experience it was to come in to see you. It was fantastic. Well done, guys. Thank you.”

This season, Shen Yun’s eight touring companies are bringing their stunning performances to over 200 cities worldwide. With a brand-new program each year, the company’s 19th anniversary marks another season full of fresh surprises for both first-time and returning audiences alike.

Reporting by NTD and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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