NORTHAMPTON, UK—Donna Cooper-Barney, owner of a luxury hotel, felt a special grounding effect in the beauty of Shen Yun Performing Arts.
“Oh, it was absolutely amazing. Beautiful production. The costumes were stunning. The colors, as beautiful as a peacock. And I felt like it was very, very humbling,” Ms. Cooper-Barney said after seeing Shen Yun at the Royal & Derngate on Feb. 17. “It sort of gives you a sense of peace, calmness. The elegance that the ladies and the gentlemen put forward in the show, just the simpleness of the hands and the movements, it was absolutely stunning, beautiful.”
Ms. Cooper-Barney said she would be recommending Shen Yun to friends and family and telling them to “enjoy it as much as I did, and hopefully they get a piece of divine peace from it the same.”
The mission struck Ms. Cooper-Barney as relevant and much-needed, sharing that the performance lent her a sense of calm that is often at odds with the pace of modern life.
“And for me, you can’t go forward without reflecting on the past. The past is so important for us all to learn and remember,” she added. “It’s absolutely fantastic what they’re doing, and amazing for the young ones. I recommend for all the young ones to come and see Shen Yun.”
Traditional Chinese culture is a divinely inspired culture, and that spirituality and connection with the divine in the art Shen Yun brought to life contributed to Ms. Cooper-Barney’s sense of peace.
“You get a sense of peace and calmness. So I think that divineness definitely is coming out to everybody in the audience to share. So I think it’s amazing, and feel truly blessed to have experienced it. I really do,” she added.
She commended the artists and expressed her gratitude, wanting to “thank them for sharing that divineness with us all in the audience today.”