CALGARY, Canada—Former member of Parliament Rob Anders enjoyed Shen Yun’s March 30 evening performance at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. He thought the whole performance was “lovely.”
“I think China pre-communism is the better version of China. My family suffered through communism in Eastern Europe. We lost our horses, our granaries, and our land. We very much commiserate with those who are suffering under communism today.”
Mr. Anders said he greatly appreciated Shen Yun’s depiction of traditional values in the performance because “it harkens back to a long and rich history.”
“We’re going to watch a program upcoming about the Chinese imperial exam, which is key, I think, to the Chinese intellect. That’s great. The colors were wonderful and vibrant—it’s a lovely performance.”
For him, pre-communist China is more of a true representation of Chinese culture rather than “Mao’s altered and edited version.”
“[Present-day China] no longer has the full Mandarin language that was once upon a time,” Mr. Anders said.
“I met people when I was in Ottawa who were lamenting that their children couldn’t go to school to learn traditional Chinese characters but merely the simplified version the communist party has now forced upon the culture.”
Mr. Anders will be taking home with him from the show “hope, freedom, and inspiration.”
“There’s a difference between the origin of life, the giving of life, the creation of life, and those who destroy life. I think the Chinese Communist Party has been part and parcel of destroying many, many lives, not only in China but around the world,” he said.
“The show was wonderful. It’s fantastic and very well done. The dancers are very capable, the colors are beautiful, and the stories are lovely. It’s a wonderful experience.”