Shen Yun Reviving Culture and Memories Too

Shen Yun Reviving Culture and Memories Too
Claudia Salas, a former professor from Colombia, at a Shen Yun performance in Kansas City, Mo., on Oct. 9, 2021. (Sally Sun/The Epoch Times)

KANSAS CITY, Mo.—Claudia Salas and Mina Pena were both educators in South America before they moved to the United States.

Seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts in Kansas City, Salas was reminded of some wonderful memories when New York-based Shen Yun traveled to perform in her home country.

“I saw the show before in South America ... in Colombia, which is my country, and it was, of course, a different show because it was three years ago. But again, I really enjoyed it here in Kansas City,” she said.

“I’m so glad that my friends came with me. We are all graduates students in the University of Kansas, in the Spanish and Portuguese Department,” she added.

Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas. (Hu Chen/The Epoch Times)
Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas. (Hu Chen/The Epoch Times)
Pena, who was seeing Shen Yun for the first time, said she enjoyed how seamlessly the performance from both the live orchestra and dancers flowed.

“I really loved it: the coordination of the movements of the dancers going exactly [in] synchronization with the music and the orchestra,” she said.

“[T]he aesthetics, the strength and the beauty of the performance and the acting ... all of those skills combined together gave me a delightful experience,” she added.

She also commented on the tremendous energy of the performance. “I felt energy ... and the ideas, for example, this is the greatness of compassion.”

Salas added that she was “so proud” of Shen Yun because they always send a message with their show: “I do remember that, when they presented in Colombia three or four years ago, the Chinese Embassy in Colombia didn’t want them to present.”
Salas was referring to the interference that Shen Yun met with, caused by the Chinese Communist Party trying to pressure Colombian officials to cancel Shen Yun’s performances.

“Because they show this spiritual part too and this religious part, and in a certain way, they show the part against communism and against a lack of freedom,” she said.

But in the end, Salas said, Shen Yun did perform successfully in Colombia, and to a full house too.

John Walker, a retired scientific journal publisher, was also in the audience this evening. He purchased his Shen Yun tickets over a year ago and has been waiting for Shen Yun to perform in Kansas City since March, 2020.

“What I’m really struck by is the very old, the very ancient nature of the stories,” Walker said.

He also felt that Shen Yun’s mission, to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, was a good cause. “I think it’s a very valid thing. And it’s something that probably many Americans would not have known anything about,” he said.

“I would think this would be a wonderful thing for Chinese Americans and others to have a better understanding of—the history of their people,” he added.

He applauded Shen Yun’s performers saying, “The dancing couldn’t possibly be better.”

Reporting by Sally Sun and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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