Shen Yun Reminds Us We Are All Here to Worship Our Creator

Shen Yun Reminds Us We Are All Here to Worship Our Creator
Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company's curtain call at the Music Hall , on Dec. 22, 2017. Hu Chen/The Epoch Times

“Thank you [Shen Yun] so much for bringing China to Kansas City.“

“It brings the various different times in the culture of the Chinese culture to light, and the variety of the different cultures, from the Mongolian culture to the dynasties, so the variety is great. I would recommend it to anybody.”

“Obviously it’s much different than the Westernized cultures. I like the way that [the dancers] express themselves, not only just in the movements that they do, but also in the way that they dress, and in the various different sceneries and backgrounds and backdrops ... of China.”

“I think that we all share the same common values, and that is that we have a Creator, God as our Creator, and that we all are here to worship him, especially during a time like this when we celebrate Christmas. It’s great to see that people all over the world are also sharing a common value in that nature.”


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