SYRACUSE, N.Y.—Shannon Fey felt the beauty and themes of Shen Yun Performing Arts were such that they took your breath away and brought tears to the eye.
“It’s just absolutely breathtaking. Brings me to tears every time,” she said.
“It’s just mesmerizing. It really just grounds you. But yet reminds us of how connected we all are with each other,” Ms. Fey said.
The name “shen yun” translates into “the beauty of divine beings dancing,” and Ms. Fey felt the artists certainly embodied that, and created magic on earth.
“I just—I love it. There’s just no words. It just opens up my heart. I can just feel the energy,” she said.
“It’s magic. It’s like magic right here on earth. So, I highly recommend it to anybody, everybody, and anybody.”
“It just opens us up. It reminds us, I feel like it reminds us to pull the partitions back and reminds us of who we really are. And we are just beautiful, divine, light embodied. And we all chose to be here right now, believe it or not. So it’s pretty special,” she said.