Shen Yun Reminds ‘That We Carry Divinity Within’: Actress

Shen Yun Reminds ‘That We Carry Divinity Within’: Actress
Lola Vico and Pedro Balonso enjoyed Shen Yun at the Queen Sofia Palace of Arts in Valencia, Spain, on March 13, 2025. Xiao Feng/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom

VALENCIA, Spain—Lola Vico, an actress, had heard the rave reviews of Shen Yun Performing Arts and seen the advertisements and long wished to attend a performance.

“I couldn’t wait. Well, I prayed to heaven that it would come to Valencia. So I prayed! And I was telling you that it was another dream come true for me,” said Ms. Vico after seeing Shen Yun on March 13. She attended the performance with Pedro Balonso, an economist, at the Queen Sofia Palace of Arts.

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company and has since its inception in 2006 grown to eight companies that tour the world simultaneously.
Through music and dance, Shen Yun aims to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, sharing with audiences the beauty of China before communism.

Ms. Vico said they had both loved it and felt it was “a gift.”

“It’s very emotional. It connects with spirituality, with those values ​​that sometimes lie dormant, because we have them inside, right? They’re not lost. But this reminds us of those values ​​we have fundamental human values, that we have to activate and that we carry within us,” she said.

Traditional Chinese culture is divinely inspired culture, and values from Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism permeated society. Like many patrons, Ms. Vico recognized a universal spirituality and values in the culture and performance and gleaned a deep message.

“That we are unique, unrepeatable beings, and that we carry divinity within,” she said.

“It moves me,” she added, explaining that the performance had her reflecting on such profound topics. “We all carry a great inner being. Well, divinity. And we could achieve anything we wanted if we didn’t let ourselves be carried away by only the earthly part. And that’s why these kinds of shows, or these kinds of things you do, help us connect with ourselves.”
Ms. Vico said the values she saw brought to life in Shen Yun’s vignettes were “very important” to people today.

“Coherence, integrity, well, love—especially love, which is the basis of everything—and many fundamental values ​​that are extremely important,” she said.

“We would be much happier if we could recover them. Because we carry them within us, as I said before, but we need to recover them. And we appreciate this kind of thing you do because, well, it’s wonderful. That’s why I was truly moved,” Ms. Vico said.

Reporting by Xiao Feng and Catherine Yang.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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