Shen Yun ‘Really Touched My Heart’

Shen Yun ‘Really Touched My Heart’
Nienke Thurlings enjoyed Shen Yun's performance at Chassé Theater in Breda, the Netherlands, on April 29, 2018. NTD Television

“I loved it. It was amazing. It really touched my heart. I was even crying at certain moments. Because I think it taps into—really deeply—human experiences. We all search that deeper meaning of life—and I think this performance really portrayed that.”

“In my perception, it’s both tapping into your own King or Queen that lives inside, and that has that higher connection with whatever you want to call it.”

“It felt that it was in every bit of the performance [was impressive]. It was in the decor, it was in the synchronisity of the dancers. I felt they really expressed from the heart through the choregraphy. And then of course the tales—it was divine in every sense.”

“I was in tears at certain moments. So yes I really could feel it. I was laughing, I was crying, it was an experience.”

I cried about the tale of the young husband and wife separated for 18 years [‘Devotion’]. I also cried about the last part [‘The Divine Renaissance Begins’]. I think it was where people really found God. Like the warrior that found God [’Awakening‘]. Then I was laughing, not necessarily crying, but I felt it in my heart. The first tale about the Monkey [’Monkey Battle Warlock'] which I felt was—like the monkey mind, the ego, saving, surrendering to a deeper sense of meaning.”

“I believe we all come from our soul first, and from there our heart, our mind, and our bodies. And those three really need to work in accordance with each other to express the soul. And if we don’t have that connection, we don’t listen to our body and if we don’t let our hearts become the captain of our lives then the mind takes over. And (then) we are being led astray.”

“We need more of this [Shen Yun] in our lives I feel. I’m very happy to see it in a performance in a theatre. ... People are looking for meaning in their lives these days.”

“[Everyone should] buy the tickets! It was lovely in every way.”


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