Shen Yun Portrays Importance of Traditional Values

Shen Yun Portrays Importance of Traditional Values
Nevin and Thorsten Sosnitzki attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Metropol Theater Bremen, Germany, on April 15, 2022. NTD
BREMAN, Germany —In a world where many traditional cultural practices are being forgotten, Shen Yun Performing Arts has been exciting audiences internationally by showing the beauty and true value in reviving a culture whose teachings have inspired a nation for over 5,000 years.
Nevin and Thorsten Sosnitzki were at the Metropol Theater in Bremen, Germany, to see New York-based Shen Yun’s presentation of classical Chinese dance and music.

Nevin works in sales for a pharmaceutical company and Thorsten is a branch manager at Euromaster.

Thorsten said he had initially come to accompany his wife but had been pleasantly surprised by the performance.
I found these dances very beautiful, above all. I was thrilled by the colors. [It’s good] for the soul.”

China’s ancient culture, according to legends, was believed to have been passed down to its people by heavenly beings. Values such as morality, filial piety, compassion, and truthfulness were the essence of its soul.

Shen Yun is also calming and inspirational, Thorsten said.

Nevin was amazed by the performance.

“Well, when [during] the very first performance I saw the colors, I said to my husband, ‘Wow, those colors! That blaze of color!’

“I’m interested in synchronized dancing,” Nevin said. However, that said, she had never seen anything like Shen Yun before and was very impressed.

“And I must say, the acrobatics, the dances, [were] excellent,” she said, adding that the combination of colors within the performance was amazing.

The dances in Shen Yun try to capture the beauty inspired by the traditional values of ancient Chinese societies.

“I think (tradition) it’s good, but of course, you only realize that [from watching] piece after piece. I have to be honest. I didn’t think about [traditional values] before, but through the [emcees] announcements, through the dances, you start to think about It ... I think it’s good that it’s being communicated like that,” Thorsten said.

Nevin is also very interested in different cultures.

“I have also been active in this field for many years as a volunteer, as far as foreign cultures are concerned, here in Germany. I, myself, have a migration background. So I always find it very, very interesting to learn about other religions, other cultures and, also, what kind of history lies behind them,” Nevin said.

Nevin said that in her and her husband’s lives, they feel connected to the divine, and believe in only one God.

“However, I have, of course, incredibly high respect for the many gods, so many gods, which is very often the case in Asian culture. They believe in many gods and I think that connects us both. I find that extremely exciting,“ she said.

Rainer Föllmer attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Metropol Theater Bremen, Germany, on April 15, 2022. (Si Fan/The Epoch Times)
Rainer Föllmer attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Metropol Theater Bremen, Germany, on April 15, 2022. Si Fan/The Epoch Times
Rainer Föllmer, an accountant, was also enjoying Shen Yun at the Metropol Theater. The performance was very beautiful and told many different stories, he said.
Föllmer especially enjoyed the “Plum Blossom in Spring” and “Water Sleeves“ dances. The grace and harmony of the dancers was fantastic, he said.

The portrayal of spring as “the awakening of nature [was] just beautiful,” he said.

He said he feels strongly that at this time in history, traditional values are important to remember.

“Because we are slowly losing the values. [Having] values to guide us … would be good for the young people, too,” Föllmer said.

Reporting by NTD Television and Diane Cordemans. The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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