Shen Yun Performing Arts Is Vibrant, Moving, and Mind-Blowing, Says Company Owner

Shen Yun Performing Arts Is Vibrant, Moving, and Mind-Blowing, Says Company Owner
Rob and Doris Chiarcos enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance at the Detroit Opera House on Feb. 23, 2024. (Charlie Lu/The Epoch Times)

DETROIT—Rob Chiarcos, owner of a construction company, and his wife Doris thoroughly enjoyed their experience at Shen Yun Performing Arts’ evening show on Feb. 23. This marks the first of the company’s six-show run at the Detroit Opera House.

“It was a beautiful performance. It was vibrant and it was moving—it took me by surprise. I didn’t know what to expect and it was mind-blowing,” Mr. Chiarcos said.

“The music was outstanding and the performance was equally outstanding. I was very moved by it.”

Mrs. Chiarcos chimed in that the whole show was so beautiful and creative that it “kept you on the edge of your seat.” She loved that “every scene was a different story and kept you very interested.”

Shen Yun’s performance is comprised of a series of short pieces that take its audience on a ride through the dynasties and across the vast regions of China.
Using classical Chinese, folk, and ethnic dances, as well as solo musical performances, the artists tell tales from ancient times to the modern day.

Mrs. Chiarcos was especially impressed by the skill of the Shen Yun dancers. She described them as “artwork floating through the stage.” It took her by surprise how dreamy everything was.

“I don’t think any one of them took a step,” Mr. Chiarcos added. “I think each one of them floated the entire time. It was unbelievable. The costumes, the fans—one of the scenes where the fans looked like flowers—it was unbelievable.”

In the decades since the communist regime seized power, Chinese culture was forced to the brink of extinction. The New York-based artists are now seeking to revive China’s 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture and showcase to the world the beauty and spirituality of China before communism.
For this reason, the artists are currently banned by the communist regime from performing in China.

Seeing the show’s depiction of people being persecuted for their faith in present-day China, Mr. Chiarcos said, “It was heartbreaking.”

“As I watch it, I can feel the tribulations of the Chinese people. I can feel the tribulations of the actors because I can only presume that they have families still back home. They’re feeling this heartache, and they’re struggling,” he expressed.

“It’s very difficult [to see] actually because we’re so free. Then, you realize not everyone is free. I think that’s what’s really moving for me.”

Mr. Chiarcos thinks Shen Yun “has a strong connection with the spiritual.”

Though he is of a different faith, he respects everyone’s vision of freedom and believes that everyone has the right to follow their belief. He looks forward to sharing his evening’s experience with others.

Shen Yun “was very beautiful. I have friends coming tomorrow and I cannot wait to tell them that, ‘Yes, they have a lot to look forward to.’”

Reporting by Charlie Lu and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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