Shen Yun Performing Arts Is ‘Very Entertaining and Very Inspiring,’ Says Company Director

Shen Yun Performing Arts Is ‘Very Entertaining and Very Inspiring,’ Says Company Director
Ed Green enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance at the Paramount Theatre on April 10, 2024. (Nancy Ma/The Epoch Times)

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa—Company director Ed Green and his wife Tammy absolutely loved Shen Yun Performing Arts’ message about the divine.

Having enjoyed the company’s show last season, the couple eagerly purchased tickets for an evening performance on April 10 at the Paramount Theatre.

“I loved [Shen Yun.] I liked the message that the show brought about faith and belief in religion. I think that was very important. It was fabulous,” Mrs. Green exclaimed.

“I recommend everybody to come watch this year after year. It’s different from last year. The dancing, the colors, the energy—it was vibrant. Whosoever produced it, 100%. What a great show.”

Met with wide acclaim since its establishment in 2006, Shen Yun can be expected to return each year with a brand-new set of choreography and musical compositions. This year, the artists are slated to perform in over 200 cities worldwide.

Mr. Green chimed in that he “loved the athleticism of the performers.”

“Obviously, they’ve put a lot of effort into their craft and artistry. It was really enjoyable and just impressive. Very entertaining and very inspiring in terms of the level of skill that the performers have.”

Prior to the violent 1947 communist takeover and the spread of atheism, spirituality and the belief in the divine played an important role in traditional China. For 5,000 years, the nation’s culture flourished under the teachings of Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism.

Shen Yun artists are seeking to revive and share with the world through a series of short dance pieces, all that was good and beautiful in China before communism.
“Several of the messages were very positive. The spirituality that came through the show, the freedom, letting people practice their faith, and the idea of a higher power—there is more to life and more to us than just the physical realm. There’s something outside ourselves that’s much more powerful,” Mr. Green reflected.

“We love the show and love what [the artists] are doing. I certainly support what this show stands for and what they’re about. It was a very enjoyable and kind of peaceful experience.”

He also loved Shen Yun’s digital backdrop, which seamlessly ties live action together with animation. He would like to tell the director of Shen Yun that he did “an outstanding job.”
“It was very well put together, all the components of the show. There’s a lot of high production value. The scene in the background—it’s not just a scene; it’s integrated into the show. The costumes and music, everything is just very well done.”
A spiritual person himself, Mr. Green said it was clear the performers followed a strict moral code that resonated throughout the performance.

“The universal values of hard work and having faith, [follow] a moral code and do the right thing—I definitely got that sense,” he expressed.

“Their work ethics—that’s what really came across to me—just how much work they’ve obviously put into their craft. You don’t get to be at that level of performance without a lot of hard work.”

Reporting by NTD, Nancy Ma, and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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