“It was fantastic. It was totally worth it. It was a wonderful night. We loved everything about it: the sets, the live music, the costumes—every story is different … fantastic culture.”
“The [performers] are absolutely fantastic. You could see the work. You could see the dedication. You could see the inspiration.”
“Live music makes such a huge difference. It was a fantastic idea to bring [their] own orchestra.”
“It brings you to the level where you want to create and be even more productive in your own work. It’s all the inspiration and a lot of very positive emotions as well as a little bit of sadness about certain stories, but that’s part of our life. So it was very educational as well I would say.”
“The values inherent in traditional Chinese culture] are human values. They are relevant—today, yesterday, and tomorrow. That’s what humanity is about.”
“[It’s a good reminder] to carry on with the culture—to not forget about your traditions and values. Pass it on to other generations.”
“[It] is 10 in the evening and I just don’t feel like going to bed because you’re overwhelmed with all these emotions and feelings.”
“[A takeaway from the show for me is] positivity, creativity, inspiration, and a good mood for the next few weeks.”