Shen Yun Passes on Traditions and Values, Says Professor

Shen Yun Passes on Traditions and Values, Says Professor
Gianeya Nesterova and her son enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at the Living Arts Centre in Mississauga, Canada, on Jan. 23, 2018. Allen Zhou/The Epoch Times

“It was fantastic. It was totally worth it. It was a wonderful night. We loved everything about it: the sets, the live music, the costumes—every story is different … fantastic culture.”

“The [performers] are absolutely fantastic. You could see the work. You could see the dedication. You could see the inspiration.”

“Live music makes such a huge difference. It was a fantastic idea to bring [their] own orchestra.”

“It brings you to the level where you want to create and be even more productive in your own work. It’s all the inspiration and a lot of very positive emotions as well as a little bit of sadness about certain stories, but that’s part of our life. So it was very educational as well I would say.”

“The values inherent in traditional Chinese culture] are human values. They are relevant—today, yesterday, and tomorrow. That’s what humanity is about.”

“[It’s a good reminder] to carry on with the culture—to not forget about your traditions and values. Pass it on to other generations.”

“[It] is 10 in the evening and I just don’t feel like going to bed because you’re overwhelmed with all these emotions and feelings.”

“[A takeaway from the show for me is] positivity, creativity, inspiration, and a good mood for the next few weeks.”

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