Shen Yun Must ‘Prevail Over Any Imposition of Totalitarianism,’ Says Spanish Councilmember

Shen Yun Must ‘Prevail Over Any Imposition of Totalitarianism,’ Says Spanish Councilmember
Jorge Mota Iglesias enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Auditorio Kursaa in San Sebastian, Spain, on Jan. 31, 2023. NTD
SAN SEBASTIAN, Spain—Jorge Mota Iglesias, City Councilman of San Sebastián, had never seen anything like Shen Yun Performing Arts before he attended a performance at the Auditorio Kursaa in San Sebastián on Jan. 31.

He noted the colors, the harmony, the music, but a deeper message came through. “What has caught my attention the most is what is being transmitted to me: this prohibition of free circulation, of being able to express oneself freely in any aspect. I cannot conceive of it.”

Although he was not familiar with Chinese culture, Mr. Iglesias was surprised that a major power like  China “has these prohibitions for its citizens, that they cannot move freely, that they cannot think. I was very unpleasantly surprised [by the lack of freedom in China.]”

The communist regime’s suppression of its citizens was difficult for Jorge. “The act is beautiful but what they transmit is very hard to digest in a democracy, as is Spain, as is Europe.”

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts was founded in 2006 by a group of leading Chinese artists who had fled the persecution of China’s ruling communist party. Following the regime’s violent takeover in 1949, Chinese traditional culture underwent a period of mass destruction.
Shen Yun’s mission is, through dance and music, to revive the 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture of China. The artists aim to show the deeply spiritual culture of what was once known as the “Land of the Divine,” and Shen Yun cannot be seen in China.
He said Shen Yun should perform not only in all capitals of Spain, “but also in all civilized cities, because democracy must always prevail over any imposition of totalitarianism. I think [democracy] is fundamental and what is being transmitted here is that there is no democracy [in China], that it does not exist.”

Shen Yun Helps Us to Connect With the Divine

Aretuza Araujo Belem enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Auditorio Kursaa in San Sebastian, Spain, on Jan. 31. (NTD)
Aretuza Araujo Belem enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Auditorio Kursaa in San Sebastian, Spain, on Jan. 31. NTD
Digital marketing entrepreneur Aretuza Araujo Belem thought Shen Yun was “an incredible show.”

She said, “It moves to another dimension. Your soul, your spirit connects with that and you realize that we have to reconnect with that divine being on earth.”

Ms. Belem was somewhat familiar with Chinese culture but “what struck me the most is the form of purity, the energy that is transmitted, and the colors.”

She was saddened by the injustice in China today with the “injustice that they practice today with organ trafficking. Because you belong to a religion, that happens to you in China. It’s horrible.”

A story-based dance in this year’s program touched on the Chinese communist regime’s persecution of people of faith, which includes live organ harvesting of prisoners of conscience.

Ms. Belem said the spirituality presented “is super important. Humanity is going through a very deep change of consciousness. What has surprised me is the words that we can no longer express.”

It makes us feel human and feel spiritual again, the elevated beings where we have come from.
Aretuza Araujo Belem

She said, “This work of art is the language that people need for that great awakening of the consciousness of humanity, from being a human to being an elevated, spiritual being.

Shen Yun brings us that way of understanding our transformation today, of everything that’s happening and what’s to come. It makes us feel human and feel spiritual again, the elevated beings where we have come from.”

She expressed how important it was for everyone to see Shen Yun. “I realized now in the last part that it is super, super, super important because we had [in the audience] little children and older children. [The show] makes us understand what is happening with our transformation.

“It is very important for everybody to see it because words are not going to work; just a stage play with the colors and with this energy that it transmits is how they connect with us.”

Ms.Belem said Shen Yun helps everyone to “understand and go through this great transformation.”

Reporting by NTD.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006. Creative Director of Shen Yun Performing Arts, Mr. Li Honghi, has recently published “How Humankind Came To Be” in various media.
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