‘This is a lesson of cultures’ Says Theater Director and Parliament Member

‘This is a lesson of cultures’ Says Theater Director and Parliament Member
Polish Parliament Member Mr. Jerzy Fedorowicz, at the Lodz Grand Theatre on March 27, 2009 Jason Wang/The Epoch Times

LODZ, Poland—Polish Parliament member Mr. Jerzy Fedorowicz, past general director and art director of the Public Theater in Nowa Huta, attended the first Shen Yun Performing Arts show on March 27, in Lodz, Poland. “This is a lesson of cultures,” Mr. Fedorowicz, who is both an artist and a public servant, said after Shen Yun’s performance.

“I took my parents and my grandchildren so they could see this performance. I love the drummers, but my grandchildren are very moved by Mulan’s story [Mulan Joins the Battle].”

Mr. Fedorowicz’s artistic work is widely recognized. He has won many awards such as the Polcul Foundation Award for the development of the Public Theatre in Nowa Huta, the Crakow Voivode Award, the Crakow Municipal Award, and many others. He was the director of the Culture Department of the city of Cracow. Since 1994 he has served as the chairman of Culture and Monument Protection for the city.
“I was promoting Shen Yun Performing Arts from the bottom of my heart when talking to people, and I wanted to bring it to Cracow. ... The idea here is to give a lesson of cultures,” said Mr. Fedorowicz.

He described two dances about contemporary China. “I understand it because this is about suffering and pain of people who were compelled to leave China and emigrate.”

Mr. Fedorowicz  said he has high respect for Chinese people. He had an opportunity to visit Taiwan as an envoy of the Polish Parliament. “Really, you have to be there to be able to understand it. I have a cordial relationship with my colleagues in Taiwan. That visit two years ago gave me a lot. I experienced a lot of cordiality when I was there.”

Mr. Fedorowicz was fascinated by the Shen Yun orchestra. “I have to say that it is at a very high level, this music was intertwined with modern music. ... Here the music is that of a higher level.”

Dr. Burdelski, an academic who leads a center for Asian studies in a university, also attended the Shen Yun performance. He said he felt a “connection to the great history of China, also to the universal values. I was very much impressed.”

Dr. Andrzej Anders, a political scientist at the Lodz International Studies Academy, likewise had high praise for Shen Yun.

“The performance is without doubt very interesting and the artistic level is very high. I suppose it is also very interesting to the Polish viewer, because this culture is foreign for us and in relation to this it is still something unknown,” Dr. Anders said.

“It is 5,000 years of the development of Chinese culture and lots of rich experience. Letting the Polish viewer know about this is for sure something very valuable. This performance for sure has a focal point in the discussion about contemporary China and for the reflection about universal values.

“I would like to see this again next year.”
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit
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