Shen Yun: ‘It’s as If Everything Were a Single Heart Vibrating on Stage’

Shen Yun: ‘It’s as If Everything Were a Single Heart Vibrating on Stage’
Efrain Pedrosa and Mayola Velazquez enjoyed Shen Yun in Mexico City on May 9, 2023. Lily Yu/The Epoch Times

GUADALAJARA, Mexico—Ms. Mayola Velazquez and Mr. Efrain Pedrosa caught the last Shen Yun Performing Arts performance in Mexico, and the last of the whole 2023 season, at the Conjunto Santander Artes Escénicas, Universidad de Guadalajara on May 10.

“It was incredible, it really is a show with great precision, the movements are very beautiful, I loved the costumes,” said Mr. Pedrosa, a businessman. “I liked the spiritual part of the stories, very beautiful, I feel that they go deep into that part and it is beautiful.”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company and has since its inception in 2006 grown from one to eight touring groups. This year’s tour brought the production, which is created anew each season, to nearly 200 cities around the globe.

“For me what I saw was beautiful, a lot of harmony, a lot of beauty of the colors, all the synchrony with the movements, with the music, which touched my emotions a lot within me,” said Ms. Velazquez.

“And what I felt was a connection with me that they were transmitting to me—and my voice is a bit shaky because it moves me,” she said.

Ms. Velazquez meditates and said the feeling of being in tranquil meditation was not unlike the energy the artists transmitted to her.
“I was able to experience something like that at times, including the entire audience, like even without understanding it, it was something that we were all experiencing equally. And connected with the musicians, with the dancers and it was something very special, very beautiful,” she said. “Completely, it’s like a meditative field, it’s like an energy, it’s as if everything were a single heart vibrating on stage. It is contagious from one to another.”
She said the artists conveyed “ human values that come from the heart, such as compassion, unity, and peace. All their work is beautiful.”
“I appreciate the deep work that they do, which I am sure is a personal work, not only an artistic work but a much more inner work. A lot of dedication, I believe that they grow personally in each performance and we appreciated it very much, and we congratulate them.”
Reporting by Lily Yu.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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