Shen Yun Is Therapy for Souls: Japanese Audience

Shen Yun Is Therapy for Souls: Japanese Audience
Mr. Murata Syozo, director of the Business Alliance Affairs Bureau of Otsu City, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the ROHM Theatre Kyoto with his wife in Kyoto, Japan, on Jan. 11, 2023. Niu Bin/The Epoch Times
KYOTO, Japan—Japanese audiences in Kyoto said the Shen Yun Performing Arts is therapy for the soul after attending the performance at the ROHM Theatre Kyoto on Jan. 11.

“Shen Yun is fantastic! My mind became very calm now. I’m fully cured,” said Mr. Murata Syozo, director of the Business Alliance Affairs Bureau of Otsu City.

Mr. Murata was amazed by Shen Yun’s music, which he thought had magic.

“The music is awesome. It’s great. I felt my body and mind were more and more relaxed,” he added. “The whole show is magnificent. It’s very colorful and beautiful.”

Mr. Nijo Hiroma, a chemical researcher, also said: “My heart was soothed [by Shen Yun].”

“The show is majestic, grand, but so close to me,” he said. “It made me feel that it’s my origin, my home. The performance brought me a very strong emotion.”

Mr. Nijo said that he was impressed by the traditional cultures that Shen Yun presented, which included the ones from different dynasties and different ethnic groups.

“The dances are excellent. They expressed deep and profound connotations,” he said. “I feel that we should not forget our traditional values. We shouldn’t forget our spiritual world.”

Mr. Nijo Hiroma, a chemical researcher, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the ROHM Theatre Kyoto in Kyoto, Japan, on Jan. 11, 2023. (Niu Bin/The Epoch Times)
Mr. Nijo Hiroma, a chemical researcher, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the ROHM Theatre Kyoto in Kyoto, Japan, on Jan. 11, 2023. Niu Bin/The Epoch Times
New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s top classical Chinese dance company, and has a mission to show the beauty and goodness of “China before communism.” For 5,000 years China’s civilization was built on values and virtues from the spiritual teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism.

Shen Yun’s Beauty Is ‘Beyond Imagination’

“The show is very beautiful, beyond my imagination,” said Mr. Tanaka Tomio, a famous architect who owns a company that builds traditional buildings.
Mr. Tanaka said dancers’ movements on stage coordinated with the dynamic backdrops perfectly, and the dancers’ skills were rarely seen in the world.

“Dancers leapt into the air and stopped there for a while mid-air, which is incredible,” he said. “There are no words that can describe the beauty of the female dancers. They dance like flowing water. The male dancers are very light and agile. I was deeply impressed by them.”

Mr. Tanaka Tomio, an architect who owns a company that builds traditional-style buildings, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the ROHM Theatre Kyoto with his wife in Kyoto, Japan, on Jan. 11, 2023. (Ren Zihui/The Epoch Times)
Mr. Tanaka Tomio, an architect who owns a company that builds traditional-style buildings, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the ROHM Theatre Kyoto with his wife in Kyoto, Japan, on Jan. 11, 2023. Ren Zihui/The Epoch Times
Mr. Shinooka Yoshihiso, the owner of a coffee roastery factory, was touched by Shen Yun dancers.

“The female dancers are like heavenly maidens. They are very graceful,” he said. “The male dancers are masculine and valiant. They jumped amazing high.”

Mr. Shinooka enjoyed the orchestra.

“I see the stage as a whole, and I felt that each instrument corresponds to a melody which represented a dedicated dancing role. This is astounding!” he said. “The performance has very high artistry. I have never seen a show using dance to tell histories. I was very moved.”

Each Shen Yun performance consists of nearly 20 vignettes, presented through highly-expressive art forms such as classical Chinese dance, original orchestral music performed live, soloists who sing in the bel canto tradition, animated digital backdrops, and more.

‘It Touched My Heart Deeply’

Mr. Kanogawa Yoshiaki, the president of a metal wire manufacturer, said that he was enchanted by Shen Yun singers.

“How can their voice be so bright and loud? I was shocked,” he said. “The sound of the erhu (a two-stringed ancient Chinese instrument) can reach the deep end of my heart.”

Mr. Kanogawa Yoshiaki, the president of a metal wire manufacturer, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the ROHM Theatre Kyoto in Kyoto, Japan, on Jan. 11, 2023. (Niu Bin/The Epoch Times)
Mr. Kanogawa Yoshiaki, the president of a metal wire manufacturer, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at the ROHM Theatre Kyoto in Kyoto, Japan, on Jan. 11, 2023. Niu Bin/The Epoch Times

Mr. Kosugi Kunio, an advisor of the Toyama Branch of the Japan Disaster Prevention Association, said that Shen Yun resonated with him.

“Every program is fabulous,” he said. “It’s very entertaining. I really appreciate Shen Yun.”

Mr. Kosugi praised Shen Yun for presenting the traditional cultures and values, which Japanese people also cherish.

“Shen Yun resonated with me in so many aspects. I don’t know how to describe it. But it touched my heart deeply,” he said.

Reporting by Epoch Times Staff in Kyoto, Japan.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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