Shen Yun Is Priceless, Says Former Diplomat

Shen Yun Is Priceless, Says Former Diplomat
Jerry Pagé, a former diplomat, and Henriette Pagé enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at Grand Théâtre de Québec in Quebec City on Jan. 17, 2018. “It is magnificent,” said Mrs. Page. Sophie Rouleau/The Epoch Times

“This is my second time [to see Shen Yun]. I was here two years ago. It’s a culture I barely know about but I admire it. This Chinese culture is made up of personal discipline. We have many good-looking young people in our shows in Quebec, but [Shen Yun artists] also bring their beliefs across. They teach us so much. … They open our horizons. I’m a very religious person, but it’s so beautiful to see the way they present their gods [referring to Shen Yun’s presentation of the spiritual essence of traditional Chinese culture]. It’s done in such an elegant manner.”

“[Seeing the soprano on stage,] watching the lyrics on the screen behind her, and watching her perform, I told myself, ‘It’s a gift from heaven to be able to see this.’ Nowadays the concert halls are filled with loud music, everybody yells—this is what’s fun these days, but seeing [Shen Yun], you can admire beauty. It’s extraordinary.”

“[The artists] are so disciplined. I found this so beautiful. I have a military background. I graduated from military school and we thought we were the best in the world with our discipline. But watching [Shen Yun dancers tonight], it cannot compare with the army. The dancers move at the same time, lift their arms at the same time … no one makes a mistake.”

“This kind of beautiful performance is priceless. … There’s no price for it.”

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Shen Yun

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