Shen Yun Is Perfection in Its Divine Form

Shen Yun Is Perfection in Its Divine Form
Angela Shirahama enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at the Theater Winterthur, in Winterthur, Switzerland, on March 15, 2018 NTD Television

“I was deeply touched throughout the performance, and will keep the memory of what I have seen tonight in my heart.”

“The spirituality that weaves throughout the performance is something unforgettable, and is the same experience for all of humanity. It is the essence of life, ingrained in the mind, and brings forth harmony and beauty. It touches life, and allows the individual to become one with it.”

“The deeper intent of the dances has not changed and retains its wisdom, clarity, beauty from ancient times to present. The connection that reaches for the divine and the earthly is not only in the heart, but also in the mind of a person. It connects all of humanity and is associated with the truth of life.”

“I felt an incredible energy, which is beyond belief, and one often lacks words to express ones feelings. It touched the entire body and one had goosebumps at times. The emotions brought tears to the eyes. The truth connected me to my inner self ,time and time again, and showed me what should be integrated into ones life.”

“The performance exuded a benevolence that clearly shows that the artists live a life governed by spirituality. Without that they could not perform as they did. All that I have seen tonight showed that these performers are in contact with the divine. The existence of this is unbelievable, and yet it exists in today’s world. It is perfection in its divine form.”

“I’m deeply moved for being able to experience this show tonight and keep this once in a lifetime experience in my heart.”


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