WATERBURY, Conn.—Edward Roberts, director of student enrollment services at a university, and Karen Roberts, a business owner, wrapped up their year with an unforgettable experience: on Dec. 28, the couple watched Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Palace Theater.
“Overall, it was just sensational, I can’t even put it into words,” said Mrs. Roberts. “It was art, living art. The artwork was beautiful. The dancing, and the music, and the goodness of it—you just felt like there was such godliness [to] it. I loved it.”
“We go to a lot of shows, and this one was exceptional in terms of quality,” Mr. Roberts said.
Mrs. Roberts said that she could feel the positive energy radiating from the performance and that the story dances really stood out to her.
“You really got the feeling of the stories,” she said. “They really came across. … It was fabulous.”
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts both expressed that they believe Shen Yun is a performance that today’s society needs.
“You feel the love, you feel the compassion,” said Mrs. Roberts. “That’s how we all should feel.”
“[Shen Yun] shows the connection of faith between all of us,” said Mr. Roberts. “It’s extremely critical [to society].”
“It’s something that [should] be shared with the university, with the young people. It’s critical.”