Shen Yun Is Like a Spa for Your Spirit, Company President Says

Shen Yun Is Like a Spa for Your Spirit, Company President Says
Wayne Walker returned to see a performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts after talking about it all year. He attended the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts, in Memphis, Tennessee, on Feb. 14, 2018. Sherry Dong/The Epoch Times

“When I see this show, it is like meeting a girl for the first time that you are in love with: Your heart is up in your throat, and it is such a good feeling, and throughout the entire show, it was nothing but good feelings. And that’s one reason. But the artistry, and the perfection, is exquisite.”

“The ladies, starting with the scarves dance—they are just so quiet, drifting across the stage. But the precision and the execution, it is hard to even describe it—it is so good. But yet, every dance makes you feel good, every dance feels you feel energized. And just like when I came out last year, I feel energized, joyful. And I don’t know what else can give you that kind of feeling.”

“The spiritual part of the show, the heart of the show, the mission of the show—it is basically good people doing good things and expressing their love for other people, and the joy of life. And I don’t know how it can get any better than that. But it is like, I heard one person say, it is like a spa for your spirit.”

“The lady who plays the erhu was just amazing. ... only two strings on that instrument, only two strings on an erhu.”

“It is like it is singing to you. It is not even like a musical instrument. It is like a lady’s voice singing. So just gorgeous, just beautiful, I don’t have enough adjectives for it.”

“My take-away is goodness and joy and pleasure and it is like I am energized—it [Shen Yun] is full of energy. And if you saw the people when they were coming out, people were happy and they were smiling. And just good feelings, that’s the way a show should be.”


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