Shen Yun Is a ‘Must See,’ Says Wyoming Theatergoer

Shen Yun Is a ‘Must See,’ Says Wyoming Theatergoer
Rod Sehmidt and Cynthia Porter enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance at the Cheyenne Civic Center on March 26, 2025. Mary Mann/The Epoch Times
Epoch Newsroom

CHEYENNE, Wyo— Retired oil operator Rod Sehmidt and Cynthia Porter, an education professional, were very excited to attend Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Cheyenne Civic Center on March 26. The evening turned out to be everything they’d hoped it would be.

“It is inspiring and beautiful and artistic, and the synchronicity of the performers is unbelievable,” Ms. Porter said. “It’s been a dream for several years to come see Shen Yun, and when I saw they were in Cheyenne and it was local for us—it was a must-see.”
Endowed with 5,000 years of history, China was once known as the “Land of the Divine.” For millennia, its people believed that by keeping their hearts pure and adhering to strict moral standards, they will be blessed by the divine.

Indeed, for 5,000 years the country prospered. However, after the communist takeover and the spread of atheism, all this traditional culture was systematically destroyed. Today, Shen Yun’s mission is to bring back the beauty and goodness of pre-communist China.

Mr. Sehmidt, too, was stunned by the beauty of the performance. “I’m speechless. It’s so amazing. Everybody is so talented and energetic. It’s endless,” he said. “The culture that they brought through so many years [and how it] involved just blows me away.”

Reflecting on Shen Yun’s story-based dance, which raises awareness about the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Gong—a spiritual practice based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance—Ms. Porter said she found it deeply inspiring.

“I think the brave people who are speaking out for a cause and a passion that they believe in to restore their culture is inspiring,” she expressed.

“That is a daring endeavor—to speak against such a force and [stand up to] say that our culture is important and we need to get back to that, and remember who we are as a people.”

Maria Hernandes and Miguel Oliva enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance at the Cheyenne Civic Center on March 26, 2025. (Mary Mann/The Epoch Times)
Maria Hernandes and Miguel Oliva enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance at the Cheyenne Civic Center on March 26, 2025. Mary Mann/The Epoch Times

Also enjoying the performance were Mexican business owner Miguel Oliva and his wife Maria Hernandes.

“It’s beautiful. It’s a highly skilled performance. The dancers are very athletic, I really liked it,” Mr. Oliva said.
For Ms. Hernandes, the most memorable part was Shen Yun’s message of the divine.

Spirituality is very important—the connection between God and people. When I hear the music and see the dance, I feel peace. I feel like something inside is beautiful. Heavenly beautiful, she remarked.

“Everyone was trying to tell us through dance that God is here. It was a very positive energy. He is telling me that love is big— the compassion. It’s something so special.”

For its 2025 touring season, Shen Yun’s eight equally-sized companies will be performing in over 200 cities across five continents. Met with wide acclaim since its establishment in 2006, the company can be expected to return each year with a brand-new set of choreography and musical compositions.
Reporting by Mary Mann and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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