Shen Yun Is ‘Fantastic. Everyone Should See This Show,’ Says County Chairperson Representative

Epoch Newsroom

SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif.—On March 26, Kathleen Goble arrived at the Performing Arts Center in San Luis Obispo as the representative of the county chairperson, Supervisor Arnold. She brought with her a resolution of recognition to welcome and honor Shen Yun Performing Arts.

She thoroughly enjoyed the company’s evening performance.

“Oh, I was amazed. This is the first time I’ve attended, and I’m so impressed. It’s extremely well done. Everything from choreography to the dance was very, very impressive,” Ms. Goble said.

“The costumes and the colors, it’s fantastic. Everybody should see this show. The explanation of 5,000 years of history and then connecting it to God, the divine, and mankind—very impressive.”

The New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company. Each season, it returns with a brand-new set of choreography, legends, and music.

Prior to the 1949 communist takeover and its spread of atheism, Chinese citizens were deeply spiritual. For 5,000 years, the teachings of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism formed the basis of their everyday life.
Since the company’s founding in 2006, the artists have made it their mission to rediscover and share with everyone the beauty of China before communism.

As an Epoch Times subscriber, Ms. Goble had learned about Shen Yun years before.

“I’ve seen the performance advertised, and my boss, who was supposed to be here tonight but couldn’t make it, told me how impressive [the show] was and how it was very, very well done. It really is. It’s excellent,” she exclaimed.

Ms. Goble especially loved Shen Yun’s bilingual emcees, who introduced the story and history of each dance before the curtain opened.

“They bring us along between the scenes and [let us] understand where we’re going. It’s very good,” she stated.

“I thought it was really helpful, and I really appreciated that the scenes were so different. There’s so much variety not only in the colors but also in the dance forms and styles. It’s very interesting and impressive. I was not expecting it, and I had watched previews before I came.”
Referring to Shen Yun’s spiritual message, Ms. Goble said it is about the “entrance of the divine.”

“God and men are brought together as one. [They] are reuniting and returning to what once was, then bringing it to where we are today,” she expressed.

“I think it’s a really important [message.] It’s something that we have often taken for granted, and I think it’s been all but lost, especially in our culture and society today.”

Ms. Goble believes that Shen Yun will have a “really big impact” on the community because “It’s such a creative and innovative way to explain the story to the world—put it in an art form. Everybody can appreciate and understand it, young or old.”
Lastly, she would like to commend the artists on all their efforts.

“Well done. There’s got to be an enormous amount of effort that goes into the practicing and the preparation, and all the many performances that they’ve done over the years and throughout the travel—it’s got to be rigorous,” she expressed.

“I can’t imagine having to travel and move around and yet still be just right on cue in all of their timing and all of their performance and practice. They’re certainly experts and athletes in what they do.”

Reporting by NTD, Linda Jiang, and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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