‘Shen Yun Is Carrying the True Culture of China,’ Says Company Owner

‘Shen Yun Is Carrying the True Culture of China,’ Says Company Owner
Neel (L) and Vishakha Bhandari enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance at Duke Energy Center for the Arts on April 1, 2023. (Nancy Ma/The Epoch Times)

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.—Neel and Vishakha Bhandari, owners of an international finance and technology training company, greatly enjoyed Shen Yun’s seventh show at Duke Energy Center for the Arts on the evening of April 1.

It was the couple’s first-time seeing Shen Yun, and they thought it was wonderful and majestic.

“It was colorful. It was everything we thought it would be!” Mrs. Bhandari exclaimed. “I loved the expertise of the dancers—the way they moved their bodies—you can tell a lot of training goes into it. It’s something that everyone should experience.”

The New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts was founded in 2006 by elite Chinese artists who had fled the persecution of the communist party.
For 5,000 years, China’s civilization flourished under the shared belief that the divine will bless those who uphold traditional moral values. Tragically, within just a few decades of the communist party’s violent takeover, these beliefs were erased and replaced with atheism.
The mission of Shen Yun artists is to return to the world’s stage—the glory and beauty of China’s 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture.

This concept resonated deeply with Mr. Bhandari.

Shen Yun showed us “what modern society has become—the standard clothes everyone wears and everyone’s on their phones. You realize that Chinese culture [should be celebrated] more, rather than adopting pure Western styles,” he said.

“That’s what really sat with me—[society] is changing, and we should keep these moments and events together because it keeps that culture alive.”

Upon finding out that Shen Yun is currently banned in China by the ruling communist regime, Mr. Bhandari said it made him sad and uncomfortable.

“It feels as though China is erasing its own culture; that’s something that China should really think about—a culture as beautiful as this should be expressed,” he said.

“The truth of events should be shared with others as well; it’s important that it’s not lost. I appreciate what Shen Yun is doing because they’re showcasing the truth of what has happened.”

Referring to Shen Yun’s story-dance piece depicting the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of people of faith, Mrs. Bhandari said she “hopes and wishes that those rules would change so people can practice their religion and what they believe in.”

“[The artists should] keep up the good work and continue to inspire future generations so all the young people can learn the message that Shen Yun is [presenting regarding] their beliefs, dance, and the arts.”

Mr. Bhandari added that the stark contrast between China’s traditional culture and its modern-day restrictions was eye-opening for him. It’s something he doesn’t fully understand.

“I visited China twice, but every time I’ve gone, I haven’t really been able to access some of the cultural [aspects] that I’ve experienced in just two hours today. That sits heavily with me—I’ll be meditating on that over the next few days.”

If he gets a chance to speak to the Chinese people in China, Mr. Bhandari said he will tell them that “the culture of China is being shared beautifully in the U.S. and internationally.”
“That’s something Chinese people should be proud of—wherever you go in the world, Shen Yun is carrying the true culture of China.”
Reporting by NTD and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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