Shen Yun Is ‘Beauty in Full Bloom,’ Says Poet

Shen Yun Is ‘Beauty in Full Bloom,’ Says Poet
Mrs. Ana Cristina Paniagua Andrés enjoyed Shen Yun on March 4, 2023 at the RiojaForum in Logroño, Spain. NTD
Epoch Newsroom
LOGROÑO, Spain—From March 3 to March 5, New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts performed four shows at the RiojaForum in Logroño, Spain. Simultaneously, around the world, some of Shen Yun’s seven other companies were in Poland, North Carolina, Montana, and Taiwan.

In the audience on March 4 was Mrs. Ana Cristina Paniagua Andrés, writer and poet, who felt “the sensitivity, the beauty—in full bloom.”

Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, its name meaning “the beauty of divine beings dancing.” The company’s mission is to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization.

“It is expressed in everything, in the customs, in the forms, in the subtlety, in the delicacy, in their expressions on their faces, in the music that accompanies,” she said.

It was such that words would not capture the full experience, she said, urging those interested to see it for themselves.

“It is difficult to put a qualifier, when we are enjoying and connecting a little beyond this reality,” said Mrs. Andrés.

“Because you have to feel it from here, and feel it on your skin and feel it very deeply,” she said. “It all wraps us up, it wraps you.”

“There is also a message of hope and it connects us deeply a with something more than this reality.”

She elaborated on those themes of hope.

“There is beauty and it’s connected to that divine being that we all carry inside and that, in some way, comes together amplified so that we can see everything from that beauty [standpoint] and awaken more to that special feeling,“ she said. ”I think it is important that these messages reach many people because they have a stagecraft from the beautiful, delicate, and artistic viewpoint.”

“There are values,” she added. “When there are values, it reminds us of the essence at the end of the day, no matter how much time goes by, is what in the end gives us meaning to everything, right?”

“Compassion, tolerance, truth, honesty, beauty, is something that—is eternal. So this show brings that to us,” she said. “It makes us vibrate in those values.”

Mrs. Andrés was impressed with “the artistic capacity of the entire show.”

“We are introduced little by little to the scenes, there is action, a lot of messages too, and well, there is a very beautiful rhythm in general,” she said.
Reporting by NTD.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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