MADISON, Wis.—Shen Yun Performing Arts performed at the Overture Center for the Arts in Madison, on Feb. 11 to a receptive audience.
Traditional Chinese culture intrigued Mr. Gafner. “Just learning more about the culture, both olden times and even up into the modern, and telling the story through dance and visual. That’s pretty neat,” he said.
“I think it’s really important. I would hate for the world to lose what’s been built over 5,000 years. I’m really glad that people are putting in the time and effort to make sure that it doesn’t die,” Mr. Gafnor said.
“I think it’s important to tell the current things that are going on. It’s good for people for awareness,” he said.
Mrs. Gafner agreed. “I think it’s really important that we know about this,” she said.
Mrs. Gafnor added that Shen Yun offers “just beautiful dance and storytelling.”

‘We Share a Common Bond With Beauty and With Art’
Pastor Armin Colon and his wife Joy enjoyed Shen Yun’s inspirational artistry. “I love the craftsmanship of the dances and the music, and I think that the stories have been very compelling,” Mr. Colon said.The 3D animated backdrop drew their interest. “I think that the complexity of some of the dances and the storytelling, and how some of the artists engage with the back screen, it feels like you’re jumping in and out,” Mr. Colon said.
The first dance, which depicts the Creator coming to save humanity, resonated with him. “I think that there’s some similarities. Like the belief of a Creator, and that the world here is [sinning], and how we’re in that journey together,“ he said. ”So, I’ve actually enjoyed seeing those beliefs being displayed. They’re very different, and I was not aware of it. So, it’s been quite enlightening for me.”
“I feel that we share a common bond with beauty and with art and that a lot of differences are overcome by that. And I love to be able to get a glimpse into another culture, and how they view the world and life. And it’s just it’s just refreshing and relaxing,” said Mr. Colon.
Mr. Colon was impressed by how the show combined artistry with technical production. “I think that the combination of technology and art, and traditional art, has been very interesting, and also how well-timed everything is, from music to dances. I appreciate that even the introduction to some of the pieces being bilingual, so I think that that has been super interesting,” he said.
“What stood out to me was definitely the level of professionalism and just the beauty of it all. You can see this is very well done. This is something that they put a lot of time and effort into—it was just top class, definitely,” said Mrs. Colon.
“And here in the United States, I think that sometimes you take it for granted that ... everyone can practice their own set of beliefs. But to be made aware of something like that happening, it’s just humbling,” she said.