Shen Yun Is ‘An Experience That Will Take You Beyond Time and Space,’ Says Portland Theatergoer

Shen Yun Is ‘An Experience That Will Take You Beyond Time and Space,’ Says Portland Theatergoer
Gustavo Diaz and Yemaya Hall enjoyed Shen Yun's evening performance at the Keller Auditorium on March 14, 2024. Frank Liang/ The Epoch Times
PORTLAND, Ore.—Yemaya Hall, an equity manager, and Gustavo Diaz, an entrepreneur, decided to give Shen Yun Performing Arts a try after seeing an ad and some videos on social media.

On March 14, they attended the company’s evening show at the Keller Auditorium. The performance turned out to be everything they had hoped it would be and more.

“I loved it. It was absolutely beautiful,” Ms. Hall exclaimed. She loved the spiritual element of Chinese culture that was highlighted in the performance.

“It was beautiful. It really touched me, and I was very moved,” she expressed.

“You could feel the practice and the spiritual energy through the dance. It’s almost as if you could feel the healing and the connection to the divine through their movements and the music.”

Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world’s top classical Chinese dance and music company. Presenting a brand-new set of programs each year, the company has been delighting audiences around the world since 2006.
In the decades since the communist regime seized power, Chinese culture was forced to the brink of extinction, and atheism is rampant. These New York-based artists are now seeking to revive China’s 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture and showcase to the world, the beauty of China before communism.

Mr. Diaz was “struck by the grace and all the beauty that [Shen Yun] portrayed.” He especially enjoyed the piece where female dancers used yellow fans to emulate blooming flowers and herald the coming of spring.

“I found that really cool. The way they’re all synchronized and were able to create a spiral or go along with the wave—that was really great.”

Reflecting on the artists’ mission to bring back traditional values, Mr. Diaz said, “It’s really important not to let globalization and technology wipe away all these great traditions from the past that have so much wisdom.”

“Traditions can help us maintain a balance in our everyday lives. It’s really important to keep it,” he explained, adding that he would like to thank all the performers for their devotion and discipline.

“[Shen Yun] inspired us in a lot of different ways. It makes me want to go back to my home country of Colombia to try to inspire people to do something along these lines.”

When introducing Shen Yun to her friends and family, Ms. Hall said she would “describe it as an experience that will take you beyond time and space.”

“[The show] will really allow you to connect with a very ancient, traditional, millennia-old culture beyond what you can find in any history books.”

Reporting by Frank Zhang and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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