Shen Yun Is Amazing, Colorful, High Energy: Investment Portfolio Manager

Shen Yun Is Amazing, Colorful, High Energy: Investment Portfolio Manager
Place des Arts in Montreal hosting Shen Yun Performing Arts in a file photo. (The Epoch Times)

MONTREAL, Canada—As Susan Stenersen watched Shen Yun Performing Arts at Place des Arts in Montreal on the evening of Feb. 4, 2023, she took in the whirlwind of colors and thought she must bring a friend of hers who is always dressed in colorful tones.

“Really, it is beautiful. I think that one cannot be indifferent to this show,” said Ms. Stenersen, an investment portfolio manager. She said Shen Yun was “generous” with beauty, which she found in every aspect of the production.
“Shen Yun” translates into “the beauty of divine beings dancing,” and for Ms. Stenersen, the world’s top classical Chinese dance company did not disappoint.

“I thought it was amazing, it’s colorful, it’s high energy, it’s high history, it’s high morality, it’s really—the women are lighthearted, the men are lighthearted. It is really, it is very touching,” she said.

“It’s touching to see people moving like that, and then they are all in unison and it’s beautiful,” she said.
New York-based Shen Yun takes as its mission the revival of 5,000 years of Chinese civilization. It was a civilization that revered the divine and placed serious emphasis on virtues, which came through for Ms. Stenersen.
She was moved by subtle emotions like gentleness, as well as courage and justice. In today’s world, “morality” has become something of a weapon, twisted into a means to condemn people, she added, but Shen Yun’s artful, honest depictions got it right.

“This is just perfect,” she said.

Reporting by NTD.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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