OKLAHOMA CITY—On the evening of Feb. 22, attendees at the OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center Theater were treated to a breathtaking performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts. Among the audience were company director Jill Farrand and Dr. Eric Thompson.
“It’s beautiful. It’s very, very bright [and] vibrant. The dancers are all in sync. It’s very impressive. A very impressive show,” Ms. Farrand said during intermission. “It’s absolutely stunning.”
Now, in the freedom of America, these artists have come together with a shared goal: Through classical Chinese dance and music, revive China’s 5,000 years of divinely-inspired culture that was nearly destroyed by decades of communist rule.
Ms. Farrand praised the performers’ dedication and found the program highly educational, especially in raising awareness of ongoing human rights issues under communist rule in modern-day China.
Shen Yun “is not just a performance. I’m actually learning from it too—more than I thought I would. Overall, I’m very pleased so far,” she expressed.
Dr. Thompson, too, appreciated that Shen Yun not only showcased the positive beauty of traditional Chinese culture but also courageously brought out the “harsh reality” of the present day.
“That was interesting to learn about. I understand that some [faiths from outside of China] are not allowed, but I didn’t know that their own faith that have been [around] for thousands of years is also denied,” he said.
Ms. Farrand chimed in that it “was hard-hitting for sure.
“I wasn’t expecting that and it was just, ‘Wow this is real,’” she added.
The “water sleeves” were a feature of ancient Chinese feminine attire, symbolizing humility and grace. Light and airy, they billow and flow on stage, evoking the gentle movement of water.
“That was beautiful,” he said. “Incredible athleticism. Very athletic. They’re very talented.”
This season, Shen Yun’s eight touring companies are bringing their stunning performances to over 200 cities worldwide. With a brand-new program each year, the company’s 19th anniversary marks another season full of fresh surprises for both first-time and returning audiences alike.