Shen Yun ‘Is a Show That Everyone Wants to See’: Psychologist

Shen Yun ‘Is a Show That Everyone Wants to See’: Psychologist
Melissa Castillo and her daughter enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at The Palace Theatre in Stamford on March 7, 2025. Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times

STAMFORD, Conn.—Psychologist Melissa Castillo saw something much needed in the modern world in Shen Yun Performing Arts.

“I thought it was beautiful, beyond what I could have imagined. And I just felt such a peace and a joy,” said Ms. Castillo, head of Valley Light Counseling, seeing the performance at The Palace Theatre on March 8.

“It was definitely about freedom, triumphing over evil. And I feel very strongly that this is a show that everyone wants to see.”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company. Through music and dance, Shen Yun aims to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, sharing with audiences the beauty of China before communism.

Traditional Chinese culture is divinely inspired culture, and Ms. Castillo said she saw values in this culture and art that we all needed.

“I think the values that we’ve learned from the show are so needed in our modern world today. Kindness, tolerance, patience, forgiveness, all of these things we need, or else we’re really lost,” she said.

“I think our modern world needs it very much. And I think that we would lose something very valuable and precious to humanity to lose it.”

As a psychologist, Ms. Castillo sees many people on a search for meaning in their own lives, looking to integrate spirituality into their healing process. She felt Shen Yun offered these themes and encouragement, and said she would recommend it to anyone.

“I found it so inspirational and so encouraging to me, and in my own beliefs in spirituality, it really aligned very closely,” Ms. Castillo said.

Ms. Castillo was transported by the art of Shen Yun, and let the music take her on a journey. Sitting in the audience, she, at moments, focused only on the music, committing it to memory.

“I closed my eyes several times so I could make memories of the music, especially some of the solos and some of the more traditional instruments, and then also just visions of the dancing and I felt it was very incarnational,” she said.

“I absolutely adore it. I loved it. I love that they have soloists and instrumentalists interwoven between the dancing. I just think that’s beautiful and I think it gives everyone a little bit of, not just a variety, but a little bit of rest, you know, to enjoy the music and the dancing,” she said. “It’s really a beautiful story that they tell.”

Ms. Castillo expressed gratitude for the artists, and wanted “to thank the performers so much for giving, really their whole selves, to spread a message of beauty and hope and spirituality.”

“You know, there is more than what we see, and I think that’s really amazing. So I really thank them very much for all that they do and all of their efforts around the world,” she said.

Shen Yun was a performance that Ms. Castillo said she wanted to experience again.

“I just felt very moved and very excited to come back and see it again next year, and just really blessed that my daughter can come,” Ms. Castillo said.

Reporting by Samira Bouaou and Catherine Yang.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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