INDIANAPOLIS—Danny Terril, a business owner, and his wife Gina Terril, a business development vice president, watched Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Clowes Memorial Hall, Butler Arts Center, on March 22.
“I can’t imagine the countless hours they put into this,“ Mr. Terril said. “It is just perfection.”
“The audio [and] visuals really made an impact,” Mrs. Terril added. “The colors of their ... costumes were just eye candy.”
In addition to dance vignettes, Shen Yun’s program also includes story-based dances that are adaptations of historical events, scenes from famous literary works, or scenes from modern-day China, including depictions of the Chinese Communist Party’s newest persecution of people of faith—followers of the spiritual practice Falun Dafa.
“Through dance, I just think that it’s just a wonderful, wholesome way to bring the message to the world,” Mrs. Terril said.
“I think it’s absolutely tragic what is happening in China, and I admire the wherewithal to try to get people to understand what is going on and through dance,” Mr. Terril said. “It’s just a perfect way to get a message out.”
“I love it, I’m 100 percent for that,” he said. “It’s almost like it’s a holy piece. That’s what I’ve really admired about this. Each story, or the production itself, all relates to our Creator. I feel like it is a holy piece, and I really enjoy it.”
“I like the nod to the history, the culture, and the deity of our Creator,” Mrs. Terril said. “It’s impactful. I love that.”