Shen Yun Is a Great Way to Get Children to Open Their Minds: Houston Audience

Shen Yun Is a Great Way to Get Children to Open Their Minds: Houston Audience
Elisa Nieto (R) and her three daughters attended Shen Yun's evening performance at the Jones Hall for the Performing Arts on Dec. 26, 2023. (Sally Sun/The Epoch Times)

HOUSTON, Texas—Financial adviser Elisa Nieto had wanted for years to see Shen Yun Performing Arts. On Dec. 26, at the Jones Hall for the Performing Arts, she was elated to finally get her chance.

“I kept seeing advertisements all the time and thought, ‘You know what, I really want to go.’ So, this year, I [came with] my three girls,” said Ms. Nieto.

“The performance was amazing and filled with so many different things. I loved it. The way everything worked together—it was just seamless. Very amazing. It’s one of those things you have to see. You can tell people all day long about it, but [they] have to experience it themselves.”

Based in New York, Shen Yun’s performance is comprised of a series of short pieces that take its audience on a journey through the dynasties and across the vast regions of China.
Using classical Chinese, folk, and ethnic dances, as well as solo musical performances, the artists tell legends from ancient times to the modern day.
On a mission to showcase the divinely inspired beauty of traditional China, the company is expected to return with a brand-new set of choreography, stories, and musical compositions every year.
Ms. Nieto thought Shen Yun was very educational and perfect for children. “It’s like storytelling. I don’t necessarily like history but if you teach it to me with visuals and music and stories, then I can retain it,” she said.

“The show was very uplifting and even though the singing [was in Chinese,] you can read the lyrics. I wish I could have taken a picture—they were very enlightening. This is a great way to get kids to open their minds and experience different things.”

Ms. Nieto is very spiritual and was pleasantly surprised to see this element incorporated in Shen Yun. She loved the idea that there is a higher power, the Creator, watching over mankind.

“This message is super important and a lot of people don’t realize that,” Ms. Nieto said.

She added that people once thought Noah was “crazy” for building a boat and believing that there would be a flood, yet he was telling the truth, and in this modern day, it is again time for people to find salvation.

She added that she believes there is a “savior” and that the “end is coming.”

“The Creator, whatever your higher power is, he shows up … and he finds a way and I think. He did on that screen for a lot of people,” Ms. Nieto said.

“I’m pretty sure a lot of people saw that, read the words, and were probably stopping right where they are at, thinking, ‘Oh my God, what am I doing? Am I saved?' And maybe they’ll go home and consider it and maybe even find a place to go and figure out how to get their salvation.”

“The show was perfect, and I’ll definitely be back again next year.”

Reporting by Sally Sun and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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